"I do not frustrate the grace of God..." Galatians 2:21
I do understand that the verse quoted in part above does refer to our salvation coming by grace alone and not through the law, however, as I was praying tonight for Tebow and our request, this verse kept coming to mind because I think here lately, I've been doing exactly that, frustrating God and His grace.
This journey has long been in the land of frustrating. I want to pray, I want to see God work. I want to witness Him do something completely amazing and astounding and at the same time, I want to quit. I am so hot and cold on this it's ridiculous. For weeks now I have wondered how in the world Abraham survived waiting all those years for Isaac. How did he not give up at some point and say this just isn't worth it? And if he ever did have those moments, why couldn't God have put those in the Bible?
Last night was one more of those nights that I came so very close to just quitting and I told God that, I told Him it seemed pointless to keep on going. News articles on Tebow were few and far between so I had NO idea how or what to pray for him. In light of his recent decision to not keep his speaking engagement at a church in Dallas, I wondered if we should keep moving forward, especially since so many people seem to think he sold out his faith. My prayers were running in the direction of a spiritual check-off list rather than heart-felt time with God. It's all been so very frustrating...and I whined at God about it. I forgot many of the things, in His grace, He has done for us in this journey. I forgot the number of people He has brought into this prayer and the amazing ways He has done this. I forgot the fact that between 11 and 14 teens meet every Friday to lift Tebow up in prayer. I forgot so many of the lessons He has taught me in an effort to know Him better. I forgot the numerous articles I have read, many that disappeared from my MSN feed right after reading them. I forgot that God didn't have to do any of that for me. He could have told me to start this journey and then left me to figure it out on my own, but He didn't. He has given me what often I don't deserve in this journey, His gracious encouragement and answered prayers, and not just mine, my teens have witnessed it too.
I don't ever want to loose God's grace...in this journey or in my life. I am thankful that while I too often get frustrated with how things are going, God doesn't and no matter how much I whine, complain or threaten, He doesn't get frustrated with me.