Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Things God Does For Me

With Tebow's move to New York, I pray every day that God prevents Satan from using the move and everything associated with it to distract Tebow and keep him from hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. It is especially important that Tebow stay in tune with the Holy Spirit as I also pray daily for the Spirit to bring a strong conviction on him to visit my sophomores.
   Today I read an article about Tebow's recent interview on an ESPN radio show. He was asked about the possibility of never being a starting quarterback again and how he felt about that. His response was, "I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds my future." Obviously Tebow hasn't forgotten God in his move to New York and is still listening for Him to direct his life.
   It's nice when God lets you know He hears your prayers.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

When Two Are Agreed

Job ordered his arguments before the Lord, he laid out all his arguments for his cause before God. I often find myself doing that in my prayers...pointing out all the reasons why God should answer this request. I often find myself going again and again to Matthew 18: 19 as one of those arguments. The verse says where two are agreed on earth; where two are praying in the Spirit with the same goal in mind, that God will answer whatever request they bring. This is the verse God took me to almost a month and a half ago to promise me if Stephanie and I did this, He would answer my request. This is also the verse Satan uses the most to cause me to doubt. He often gets in my head and questions whether we both are praying in the Spirit and maybe that is why God hasn't answered this request yet. God, however, is gracious and continues to show me I am on the right path despite what Satan tries to tell me. How do I know?
Yesterday, Stephanie sent me a note in which she mentioned how God has impressed upon her the need to be in fervent prayer for Tebow as he moves to New York. He is human and he will fall at some time and New York provides ample opportunity for that. She said she felt God was telling her we need to pray for even more protection on his life and then she listed several things she had specifically begun to pray for. The ironic thing is, the week Tebow was signed on by the Jets, I had told my sophomores we needed to really pray for him now as he moved to New York as there were already people telling the press how they intended to corrupt him. I had even mentioned to them that the world would mock and scorn the name of God should Tebow fall in a public way.
Now, you may already see this, but it wasn't until last night as I was praying, once again reminding God of Matthew 18:19, telling Him that I thought we both were praying according to the Spirit's direction that He very plainly pointed out that there was no way Stephanie and I would be praying along such similar lines unless the Holy Spirit was directing our prayers. I can not tell you the relief that came, the assurance that we were praying in the Spirit and that we were indeed agreeing in our prayers.
God has been so gracious in this prayer, giving encouragement and pointing out when we are doing right. This has made me so excited and eager to keep praying, because as we know, when two are agreed on earth, our Father in heaven will hear and do it for them...bring on Tebow!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Hunger Games

I was reading a Christian movie review of the Hunger Games this morning. These books are very popular with our middle school and freshmen girls. This reviewer kept mentioning over and over again how the premise of the movie was children killing children just to survive. As I have not yet read the books or seen the movie, I cannot comment on the moral of them, nor is that my intent here. This idea of children being forced to fight to survive actually struck me in quite a different way.
 My prayer partner shared with me today some of what her pastor had taught in a recent sermon. I don't recall the Biblical reference at this moment (perhaps she'll post it in the comment section when she reads this) that anytime a young person obeys God he crushes the head of Satan. That of course, got me to thinking about the faithfulness of my sophomores and what an encouragement that will be for them. I then read this review about the Hunger Games and had the thought that our saved kids really are fighting for their spiritual lives. We don't often think of them as warriors in the fight against Satan, but that is exactly what they are. They have been chosen, not by a government, but by God to fight on the front lines in His war against evil. If they want to survive spiritually and be used of God, they must put on the Eph. 6 armour and fight. They must make the choice in a world filled with pressure to conform, to crush the head of Satan through their obedience. As an adult, this is often a frightening and difficult thing to do, as a teen it must seem an impossible thing to do.
As a youth worker, it is often too easy to see where the teens are making mistakes,instead of seeing where they are being obedient, where they are making choices for God, where they are fighting for their spiritual lives and crushing the head of Satan. In so many ways, their fight for spiritual survival is so much more difficult than mine and today I am finding a new admiration for the six weeks my sophomores have remained faithful to UNINTIMIDATED. Satan's head has definitely been crushed and their spiritual lives have remained alive...PRAISE GOD

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bringing Things Into Focus

I have struggled a lot with discouragement over the past few weeks. As each day passes, the fight to just keep believing becomes harder. Last night as I read and studied about Peter's walk on the water, God showed me just why I have struggled so much.
Peter had enough faith to get out of the boat and start walking toward Jesus. As long as his eyes were on Him, Peter didn't notice the storm raging around him and he was able to continue his walk. When Peter took his focus off Jesus, he noticed the waves crashing around him and he became frightened. When he focused on those waves instead of Jesus, he began to sink. His faith faltered when he focused on the wrong things and that is what God was trying to tell me.
I become discouraged and my faith falters when I begin to look at all the circumstances surrounding this request rather than focusing on the One Who can work in spite of them. God has told me repeatedly that although Tebow's circumstances have changed, none of the promises He made have. None of the promises He made were contingent on Tebow being a Bronco, so why am I focusing on his move to New York so much and being discouraged by it? Jesus knew the storm was raging around Peter when He bid him come to Him and yet He still bade him come. He also knew Tebow would be making this move, He knew what it would do to his schedule when He told me to ask Him for these kids to meet Tebow and yet still, He said, "ask."
Peter walked and I asked. Peter saw the waves and lost focus, I saw a move that crowded Tebow's schedule and lost focus. We both stumbled, fortunately for both of us that wasn't the end of the story. At the moment Peter began to sink, he refocused and cried out to Jesus to save him. When I stumbled, I too cried out for help and God immediately came to my rescue showing me all the ways He has worked for this request.
Why was Peter saved? Why can I now see how God is working? Because we both realized to focus on the One Who is very aware of the storms raging around us and still bids us, "come."

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Blessing of a Sister

One of my greatest and closest friends is my older sister. When God asked me to move here to Hawaii, it was hard knowing we would be separated by five time zones and thousands of miles, but strangely, I think we've grown even closer in the years since my move.
The morning after I posted my list of blessings, she sent me a text letting me know she had been following the blog and had been praying for my kids to meet Tebow. I have been thankful for each person who has let me know they are praying, but there was just something so sweet and so unexpected in finding out my 'big sister' was praying with me. We've always been there for each other. We've told each things that we've never shared with anyone else, we've done dumb things together and survived them, we've laughed, cried, gotten angry with each other and sought out spiritual advice from each other. Why it never occurred to me to tell her about this journey, I don't know, except God planned it this way. She was just the encouragement I needed at that time and I thank God for her.
She also mentioned something in her text that really hadn't occurred to me either. If you follow sports at all, you've heard the stories of the strife within the Jets organization. Players at each other's throats, no support for Sanchez, everyone blaming someone else for their dismal year, a Godless coach; one player even described their locker room as 'toxic'.  My sister pointed out that perhaps God sent to Tebow to the Jets to bring some peace and healing to that team. God is capable of such things when He has a willing vessel and Tebow seems willing to be used of God. Perhaps this team will witness firsthand, as did Denver, the power of God in one of His own who is sold-out to Him. I have to say, her pointing out God sending Tebow to New York for these reasons has helped me to fully get over my disappointment with him not being a Bronco when my kids meet him.
Sisters are truly a blessing, especially when they are committed to serving God and to a life of prayer. Hopefully, if you have one, you've thanked God for your sister and if not, perhaps you should do so now.

Friday, March 23, 2012

My Poor Sophomores

I think some of my some of my sophomores are growing a little disheartened that God hasn't answered their prayers yet. I TOTALLY feel them. This was their week to do morning devotions. The one who did today's took us to James chapter one. The two verses he read dealt with patience. I have often warned them about praying for patience, as there is really only one to get it, but he said God had shown him something else. God showed him that he needed to remember that He would answer this prayer in His time and we needed to wait on that. He mentioned either in his devotion or in prayer that God may even say no to this. That made me a little sad because this is the first time I've heard any of them vocalize that God may not answer. It has to be hard for them. they've been praying for four weeks. I know it is hard for me and I am an adult, this must be agonizing for them as teenagers. I found myself praying more urgently for God to answer this request soon, before even one of them looses faith. It would be sad to see them loose faith when we are miles closer to an answer than we were back in January. For those of you reading this who are not my sophomores, please lift them up to God, to remain faithful, for their faith to be strengthened, for them to see God's hand in this prayer and yes, even for God to answer this request soon, before any one of them looses faith. For any of my sophomores who are reading this, I leave you with Isaiah 41:31, "They that WAIT upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall walk, and not be weary; they shall run and not faint."

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Count Your Blessings

As I was looking at post titles, I realized that four of the last six deal with the trials of this journey. I did promise God to journal every part of this for my sophomores to read, and much of that journal has wound up here. I think it is important that my kids understand that when God calls on them in the future to enter into impossible praying that it is not always easy, fun and exciting; it is a test of true faith and determination. What God drew my attention to however, was that I was becoming too focused on the trials and not on the blessings; that I was becoming one of those religious people Matthew 6 talks know them, the ones who let you know just how much they suffer for Jesus. God has been too good to me throughout this time for me to be so focused on the trials. He deserves better than this. I asked Him to help me recall all the blessings He has poured out on this request already and before I knew it I had a list of over 20 ways He has directed, blessed and answered prayers. The song says to "count your blessings" so I least all the ones I can remember this late at night:
2. Pastor already knowing about UNINTIMIDATED before I worked up courage to talk to him
3. God showing Stephanie what He meant when He said, "Pray bigger"
4. Finding out why God said no to the kids meeting Tebow in Denver
5. God showing both Stephanie and I at separate times why we needed to become prayer warriors for Tebow
6. Drew seeing God's hand move in this request so quickly
7. Niki being able to see that God really does know what our needs are before we ask Him
8. Finding out that my letter was not in the great abyss of the Broncos' organization
9. Isabel's commitment to UNINTIMIDATED has helped her to be more committed to her own personal devotions and prayer time
10. Jefferson spending a weekend studying His Bible and praying seeking God's will over joining UNINTIMIDATED
11. Tebow not joining Dancing With the Stars
12. Tebow not joining The Bachelor
13. Stephanie becoming my prayer partner
14. God's promise in Matthew 18:19 that my kids will meet Tebow somehow, someway
15. Pastor's advice on the letter I received from the Tebow Foundation and for him not thinking this is crazy!!!!
16. The sermon affirming that faith is indeed a choice, not an emotion
17. Beth's posts on Face Book...may as well have been God posting them
18. Steph's advice to blog my journal
19. Janet joining us in prayer because of the blog
20. God's revelation to enlist Tebow as a prayer partner
21. A better understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit
22. Another student wanting accountability in her life as she witnessed the sophomores' daily commitment to pray

The song ends with, "see what God hath done," and tonight I truly do.

That Which Doesn't Kill You

"How do you feel about the Broncos signing Manning?", "Are you sad that Tebow is going to the Jets?", "Are you still a Denver Broncos fan?"...all questions asked of me today by friends, co-workers and students. I struggled with how to answer these questions. I've made my peace...mostly...with Tebow not being a Bronco when my kids meet him, what I am having a hard time with is just how in the world they're going to meet him now. I have definitely reached a frustration point in this prayer, I do not understand why God still hasn't answered my prayers and for days I have struggled with just not giving up. Then the news breaks of his trade and I am convinced that God has definitely given me more than I can bear. At least that's what my flesh says, quite loudly, I might add. However, if I am still long enough, I can hear the Spirit softly saying, "I knew all about this. Everything is under control and I haven't given  you more than you can bear. Hang on, the answer is coming" I find myself praying more and more with that man in the Bible who said, "Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief." And I can attest first hand that He does help my unbelief. As I was talking to God on the way home from school, or should I say whining at Him, He did point out that the reason He said no to my kids going to Denver  was because He knew Tebow wasn't going to be in Denver...pretty sure I heard Him chuckling as He said that.
It's a good thing God gave me an obsessive, stubborn streak because there is a part of me that just can't stand the thought of Satan getting this victory. It, in part, spurs my determination to see God move. He will, His promises didn't change just because Tebow's team did. God sees what I can't and I have to trust that and I do, it's just some days...

p.s yes, I am still a Broncos fan. I was a fan long before Tebow and old habits are hard to break.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Irony of It

Today I found myself consoling sophomores who were disappointed to see Manning begin negotiations with the Broncos. I heard myself telling them, 'maybe this is what needed to happen to allow Tebow to come visit" and "maybe God brought him to the Broncos just for this time"...seems to me like I'd heard those words before. Oh wait, I had, from God only a week ago when I was throwing my fit. It is amazing how God allows trials in your life as a way of helping others when they are faced with the same thing. God knew these kids would be disappointed and would need encouragement, so He had me face it first to help guide them. They are disappointed, of course, so am I, but we were able to see the bigger picture, that he come visit.
God re-emphasized today, He does have a game plan. He was well-aware in January when He told me to ask Him for this that Manning was going to sign with the Broncos. This didn't come as a great shock to Him like it did me. Today, I was able to put my faith in that knowledge and help some of my more disappointed sophomores do the same.
I guess that is why God told me to ask to meet Tim Tebow and not a Denver Bronco.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Be Not Weary

"And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not." Galatians 6:9
Today, I find myself weary. It has been two months to the day since we began praying for this, and two months later, still no answer. It feels like Satan is relentless in his attacks, that there is no time to rejoice in the blessings or rest from his last assault. I find I am just physically tired and do not want to keep's hard. It's hard to keep on praying when I see no tangible results. It is especially hard to not see concrete answers since I pray for this constantly for my sophomores as they continue faithfully in their commitment to pray for Tebow. It took a great amount of determination to even begin praying this afternoon, but once I did, God came through again. One of many things I have learned on this journey is the very powerful role the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. I am so thankful for His strength in me; it's the only thing that got me to praying this afternoon and it was He who sustained the prayer. I'm so thrilled He is my voice to the Father and it is He who guides my prayer. It amazes me how quick, my spirit changes once I have given myself over to Him in prayer and how much He can change my outlook. His power working in my prayer astounds me. While He may not have given me a concrete answer in my request about Tebow, He did immediately answer something else I asked Him for during the prayer. As I was praying for God to protect this prayer and those praying for it, I asked Him to overpower Satan and any of his followers who might be standing in the way of our prayers. I asked Him to remove any obstacles that may be keeping His answers from getting through and immediately He brought to my mind something I was not honoring and obeying Him in. I stopped in my prayer and took care of that situation right away. Now, at least that thing is no longer hindering my I guess God did give me a tangible answer to my Tebow request after all.
I'm so thankful tonight, that though tired and a little battered, I did not grow weary and quit. In His timing, I will reap because I know that this is a good thing I do.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Moments When You Feel Really Dumb...

I often find myself reluctant to share with people what I have been praying for. When I first shared with some friends that my students had written Tebow and asked him to visit, they light-heartedly scoffed at the idea and that it could  really happen and at this point I had already begun praying for him to visit. It makes me a little gun-shy to share MY request, when people didn't even think THEIRS was likely.
Not too long ago, as God was laying on my heart to share with my pastor both UNINTIMIDATED and this request, my fear was that he would not readily believe; it would, after all, be easy for anyone who knows me to think I am doing this simply because Tebow plays for the Broncos. God showed me that it would be difficult for some to believe something so monumental the first time they heard it...I did. Also, God has been talking to ME about this since January, not everyone else. God also impressed upon me that He didn't ask everyone else to have faith to see this through, He asked ME to have it, so it didn't really matter whether anyone else believed or not.
Now, I said God showed me these things, not that I actually believed these things, but today I was faced with the choice of what I was going to believe. I'd put off telling my pastor for a couple of weeks, then Sunday he talked about prayer and how God had been working on his heart about prayer. As I had prayed that God would do this very thing concerning my request, that was my signal from God it was time to quit stalling and do some talking. So what did I do? Wait til Wednesday before I finally decided I was being ridiculous and went to talk to him.
I began by asking for permission to leave chapel early to pray with my sophomores. I began to explain UNINTIMIDATED to him and he responds that he had read about it on Face Book. Here I was worried about how he'd react and he already knew, which made it allot easier to talk about the rest of the request. I felt really dumb as I left his office...God had already told me to not worry, just talk, so why did I get so anxious about sharing. I see the humor in this and I'm sure God does too. I bet He was sitting up in heaven saying, "See, silly, I told you not to worry, I have this under control." and boy am I thankful that He does.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

God Is An Absolute Genius

Tonight, as I was praying for Tim Tebow, I began to pray for God to protect his heart and mind. I prayed, as I have many times before, for God to prepare his heart even now to want to answer our request to meet my sophomores. As I was praying this, the Spirit guided me to pray that even in this moment, wherever he may be, that Tebow would feel an overwhelming sense that there was something God wanted him to do. I prayed that God would send him to his knees begging God to know whatever that thing was. It was then that the Spirit said, "Enlist Tebow as one of your prayer partners." He doesn't have to know what that something is to pray for it, he just has to know that God has something He wants him to do. This way, when he reads the letter or this blog, he will know immediately that this was the something God had overwhelmed him to pray for.
God truly is an absolute genius...enlist Tim Tebow as one of our prayer partners, who'd have thought :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Nevertheless Not MY Will...

Not my will but yours be done...everyday since January 17 I have prayed to be filled with the Holy Spirit as I pray. I have prayed that every part of my request that lines up with the Father's will be fulfilled and that every part that glorifies me not be. I have definitely prayed for His guidance in each request I present and when He said no to Denver, I was disappointed, but was easily able to accept it. When God felt the time to tell my sophomores was way sooner than I planned and in a manner completely different, I was fine and saw just why God planned things as He did.
This thing with Peyton Manning however, has proved a much bigger struggle in submitting my will to God's. For some reason, it was extremely important to me that Tebow be a Bronco player when the kids meet him. I didn't realize just how important it was until I heard the news that he will be traded should Manning sign with the Broncos.
Since I committed to journal every part of this journey, I am including this post, although I would rather not admit to just how childish and selfish I have been over this. I have thrown what is basically a spiritual temper tantrum over what I wanted to happen. I have been upset to the point that I wanted to quit praying all together. I am so glad God is gracious and longsuffering with me and doesn't always listen when I'm throwing a fit. I am incredulous that He would even try to teach me anything when I am acting out in such a way, but as I said, He is gracious and I believe He wants me to finish what I began. So here I find myself trying desperately to crucify my flesh. God point blank asked me last night if I could really be that selfish, would I deny my kids the privilege of meeting Tebow just because he was no longer a Bronco? Would I really be so stubborn as to demand my way to the point they would miss out on ALL that God could do just so he would be a Bronco when they met him? My flesh said yes, but the Holy Spirit in me said no. I really don't want to be that selfish, and I love these kids too much to deny them everything God has in store for them, but I still struggle with my flesh.
God then used a visiting missionary to show me where I had gone wrong. A point he made in his sermon was that we do not always finish  our race well because we loose focus on what our purpose is. Boy did that hit home. My purpose in this request was never for my kids to meet a Denver Bronco. It began as God challenging me to try Him. It was my request initially that no matter what happened, I would have a much better understanding of prayer and of God. Along the way, God impressed upon me how important it was that my students connect the miracle-working God of the OT to the God they strive to serve today. Somehow, this weekend I lost sight of the real purpose.
It truly does not matter who Tebow is playing with; what is important is that they meet him. My flesh is still weak, I am still tempted to sulk, but praise God, His Spirit is in me reminding me, "nevertheless, not my will but THINE be done."

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Could It Be?

Why is it that Satan likes to attack after a spiritual victory? Why can't he just let me enjoy the blessings a little? I grew discouraged today as I read news of the Broncos wooing Peyton Manning and what that could mean for Tim Tebow. It's not that Manning may become a Bronco that bothers me so much as the fact that Tebow may not be a Bronco when my kids meet him. I know that sounds ridiculous, but this whole journey would have never taken place were Tebow not a Broncos player. Quite honestly, I don't think Tebow would have been the topic of discussion in my homeroom nearly as much as he was had he not been playing for the Broncos. See, I am a Broncos fanatic and my kids benefit from this...they get weekly bonus points  for the Broncos' win record. They were excited to see Denver make that miracle run to the playoffs, or should I say, their grades were. My sophomores especially benefited as my homeroom as we celebrated each day they lasted through the playoffs. My homeroom was invited to watch the Broncos and Patriots play at my apartment and it was a statement made there by one of my students that God used to talk to me about this whole journey. It was at this moment of remembering that God pointed out that while Tebow may not be the Broncos quarterback when the kids meet him, the fact that he was a Broncos player at all is what brought this amazing journey into my life. God placed Tebow on that team for a reason and perhaps a season. I'm not saying that God engineered him going to Denver just so my kids could have this opportunity of spiritual growth, but He could have. Tebow wasn't even supposed to be drafted by the Broncos, many were shocked that he was. He took over as starter this year, the year this group of kids were in my homeroom, Denver made it to the playoffs for the first time in five years, this year when these kids are my spiritual obligation. There is speculation about what happens to him if Manning does join the Broncos, if that happens it will be the year after these kids will no longer be in my homeroom. Again, I say, God didn't necessarily bring Tim Tebow to the Broncos just for my kids' sake, but again I say He could have.
So on this day that I am struggling with foolish disappointment, I will trust that God is in control of the circumstances, just as He always has been.  I will focus on what is important...the meeting and be satisfied knowing that if Tebow is a Bronco or if he's not when my kids meet him, it will be just how God wants it to be.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The News Is Out

I had a very sweet time with my sophomores today during lunch. They have been gathering each day this week to pray for Tebow, as they committed to do and today I got to pray with them. I had told them earlier this week they if they wanted to know the story behind UNITIMIDATED they could go on Face Book and find out.  After we finished praying one of my girls asked if she could read the post so I brought it up for them to read. What followed them reading that post will be one of the most cherished moments of my teaching career and one of the most humbling and frightening ones in this journey.
I was able to tell them that based on what God had taught me concerning Matthew 18:19 and after asking God for a token of assurance, that somehow God was going to allow them to meet Tim Tebow before the school year was over. To say they were excited is an understatement. It was such a sweet time of sharing with them how this journey began, many of the things that God has shown me along the way, how I felt we were getting ever closer to an answer, and the need for more prayer warriors, I even told them the way I had envisioned telling them they were going to get to meet Tebow and just let me just say here that they way God designed for me to tell was WAY better than the way I hoped to get to tell them. One of my girls thanked me for bringing them in on the prayer and for letting them be a part of it, something they wouldn't have been able to do if I had insisted on doing things my way.
The humbling part came when I realized how they took my statement of faith as a fact. It never occurred to them to be skeptical or to doubt, they were just awed at the fact they were going to meet Tebow. They believed because I believe. Honestly that doesn't humble me, it terrifies me. Their faith is a reflection of my faith. I know this is what is supposed to happen, I should model my faith for them and they should pattern theirs after mine...but what if I fail, what if I stumble? This just adds a whole new aspect to my prayers...keep my faith strong so theirs will be too. Not to mention, God HAS to  really come through now, my kids are expecting Him to, but God has never failed me before and I don't expect Him to now.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My How Things Change

On January 17 Stephanie and I began this prayer journey together and oh how the shape of my prayers has changed since then. I can only attribute this to the work of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my prayers. When this proving began, it was to try God and prove Him faithful, but it was also to afford my sophomores the opportunity to meet Tim Tebow. There is SO much I have learned along the way. When God finally grants this request it will be the sweetest thing because I KNOW that every detail of the answer will be exactly as He wants it.
When this all began, I thought the sweetest thing would be the honor of telling my kids they were going to meet Tebow, as of Monday, I find that I am more thrilled with the steps of faith my students are making and the commitment they've made to pray for Tebow. It thrills my heart every time I see them going to our classroom at lunch to pray as a group. This was NOT something I was asking God for back in January. When God impressed upon me how important it was for these kids to see faith and impossible prayer modeled for them, it became important that God do something amazing for these kids spiritually. With the help of the Holy Spirit and the advice of a good friend, I think that is happening.
When I began this prayer, it was my very real desire that somehow God would allow the meeting to take place in Denver. I prayed for it very diligently, but I always threw in that if God would rather the meeting take place here, so be it. Over the past few days, God has given me very little peace about the trip to Denver, but whenever I pray for the meeting to take place here, great peace. And what is amazing is is that I am perfectly okay with that. That is definitely the Holy Spirit at work in me.
I had this scenario all worked out in my head how I would tell my students they were meeting Tebow. In my selfish desire, that was the time I was going to share this blog with them and tell them all the amazing things God did on their behalf. God, however, had different plans...obviously. God knew Steph and I needed help, that with Satan ramping up his attacks, we needed more prayer warriors and posting to Facebook was the best way to enlist that help. Obviously my kids either know or will soon and I can see God's hand in that as well because I suspect they will add their prayers to ours.
I still greatly desire, and still faithfully pray for my kids to meet Tim Tebow. The difference now is that those are not the only things I desire. As this prayer continues, I find more and more the value in the spiritual journey, not just the granting of the request and hope that my sophomores will follow in those steps.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


That's the name of a group of sophomores who have become prayer warriors for Tim Tebow. This post is not about a lesson on prayer that God has shown me. This post is to glorify God for how He is working in the lives of my sophomore homeroom...and to brag on them just a little.
A week ago I asked my students to pray over the week about joining me and my prayer partner in praying daily for Tim Tebow. We spent a few minutes of our devotions each day talking about intercessory prayer and the importance God places on following through on vows. I told them that at the end of a full week of prayer, if they felt God was leading them into this prayer, we would all sign a pledge that we would use to keep us accountable.
As the week progressed, I could sense a great desire on their part to do this, not just because it was Tim Tebow they'd be praying for, but because they wanted their prayer life to be challenged. They wanted their relationship with God to grow stronger. I could also sense they were afraid they would fail in their commitment. One of my boys even mentioned this in a devotion he led. He actually spent time over the weekend looking up verses on prayer, seeking out God's will for him in this matter. He feared because he already struggled with faithfulness in prayer and thought he wouldn't be faithful now. He said he felt he needed to do this so that his personal prayer life would be challenged. Some of my girls asked if they could meet during their lunchtime, just so they would be accountable to pray. These kids really meant business.
I am so thrilled to say that yesterday, when I put the pledges out for them to sign, all seven took one. Six gave them back to me signed, the other one I do believe will pray as well. We keep them keep them in our classroom as a reminder of our commitment. I told these kids that this prayer will change how they view prayer, how they pray and that they will come to know God in a very real and very personal way, how do I know that...because it happened for me. It is my desire and prayer for these kids to meet Tebow, I want God to do this for them, however, if they come out of this as genuine prayer warriors, God will have done something far greater for them than meeting Tim Tebow.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Voice of Truth

"Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth." Those are words in a song sung by Casting Crowns and tonight they have been repeating in my mind continuously. It seems that the closer we get to God answering this prayer, the more Satan creeps in with words of doubt and ridicule. Satan has been relentless in the past several days in reminding me of all the times I have tried to step out in faith and failed. He seems particularly interested in pointing out all the ways I have failed even in this prayer. I think we are finally at a point in this prayer where he is concerned and maybe even a little scared that God is going to come through on this and he's fighting back and he's fighting dirty.
What God has reminded me of tonight is that the voice of mocking will never be His. Jesus understands perfectly what I feel, He agonized in prayer too. Not once in the Bible do you read of Jesus discouraging His followers or pointing out the ways they've failed in the past, no His is a voice of encouragement, a voice of hope. The confusion too is not from Him. He has always been very clear in His Word what He expects and what He wants; it's Satan who tries to mix things up. As for doubt, well, that's Satan's trade, it is, after all, how he got Eve to eat from the tree.
The Bible says of Jesus, "My sheep know my voice." I know the voice of God and I am learning to better recognize the voice of Satan, so what choice do I make tonight? "I choose to listen and believe the voice of truth."

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The "Ahhh..." Moment

I love  it when God reveals part of His game plan to me. This prayer has so many facets to it that is difficult sometimes to cover every part in prayer and that's just the parts I know I need to be praying for, forget the ones I don't. That's what makes it exciting and relieving when He does.
I was praying the other night for God's hand of protection on this prayer and praying that God makes me and my prayer partner aware of the subtle ways in which Satan may be attacking us personally to keep us from God. As I was praying, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me that Satan may not attack just us, but that he may go after Tim Tebow as well. He could deceive Tebow into committing to good things that would fill his schedule and not leave time for him to meet my kids. It was then that I realized this was exactly why God had burdened my prayer partner's heart several days ago for us to become prayer warriors for Tebow, this was my "ahhhh..." moment.
God is amazing. I am amazed at how God works in the hearts of people committed to a prayer. I live in Hawaii, my prayer partner lives in Chicago and God brought us to the same realization. He brought to her heart the desire to pray for him days before He brought to my heart that Tebow would be under attack from this prayer too. We truly do serve an omniscient God.