Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can't Think of A Catchy Title For This One...

I have avoided any serious prayer for this request since school has let out. Part of it has been I felt very letdown by God. Part of it also is, there is no longer a deadline by which God needs to work so the urgency has gone out of my prayers. Another part of it is I just don't feel the burning desire to see God answer this the way I did before school let out. The frustrating part of this is that I know God isn't finished with this prayer yet and I am being a petulant five year old who didn't get her way, but until today, I couldn't get passed it.
      In desperation last Wednesday, I asked God to show me something that would let me know He still planned on sending Tebow. That night in our teen services, the speaker made a statement to the effect that God will not tell you to do something then not help you accomplish it. I immediately thought of this request and the fact that this is something God asked me to do. If He told me to ask Him for the kids to meet Tebow, He's going to make it happen. You'd think I would have felt very confident that God was still going to perform this. You'd be wrong. I questioned whether that was meant for me. Then last Sunday, in our services, our pastor pointed out the verb 'shall' in a verse. He said that word was basically God's guarantee that what He says will happen, will happen. I immediately went to the verse I have claimed as God's promise to me and looked at the words and sure enough, shall is used in the verse. If we fulfill the first part, He will fulfill the second part. God still is going to answer this. Again, you'd think I'd be flying high on God's promise. You wouldn't be as wrong this time, but still, I doubted. Actually, it was more like I was afraid to believe again, He didn't answer the first time with this promise, why would He now?
     The way the Holy Spirit works is just weird sometimes. This morning I was reading in Romans. I was reading through chapters that explain God's grace and through chapters Paul wrote concerning the struggle between our flesh and the Spirit. As there really were no verses dealing with prayer, I can't really pinpoint a specific verse that led me to ask the Spirit to renew the driving desire to see this request answered. Somehow, though, God got through to me that He really isn't finished with this prayer and that those things He showed me in church were real.
     I did ask the Spirit to renew my desire to see this happen and asked Him for the ability to believe once again. For the first time in many days, I am excited once again to see God do this. Also for the first time in many days, I truly believe God is not done and that my kids will still get to meet Tebow.

Monday, May 21, 2012

I Wonder If...

I feel like I am all over the map with my thinking and emotions here lately. I am so very thankful that when the Holy Spirit is asked to take over a prayer and to guide and direct it, He does. And it is pretty amazing the things He will show you if you just let Him.
     Let me first say that I feel more confident tonight that God is not through with this prayer.  He has shown us so many amazing things, but He hasn't shown yet how He will do the impossible if we just let Him.
     As I was praying, I was reminded of several things that I have prayed over the course of the last five months and wonder if this delay is God making it possible to answer those things. One thing I have fairly consistently prayed for is that Stephanie and her family would be a part of the kids meeting Tebow. While her son was in school, that would have been a difficult thing to do. Perhaps school needed to be out for Joel for them to be here. I have also prayed regularly that when Tebow comes to visit, his visit would be specifically for my sophomores. I tried to be understanding that if he came to the school, we would have to 'share' him with the rest of the school, so I prayed that his reason for coming would be to spend time specifically with my kids. School is out, my kids won't have to 'share' him with the rest of the school. Ironically, one of my girls said she was glad to meet him in the summer so they wouldn't have to share him with the rest of the school...guess I should have paid closer attention to what she said. I have prayed often for God to show Himself in a mighty way, to really come to life for these kids, to help them understand what He will do for us if we just let Him. Perhaps a meeting during the school year wasn't going to allow God to do all the amazing and impossible things He has planned.
     I could drive myself, God and others nuts speculating why He has waited to answer this. I don't know why, but these are some definite possibilities the Holy Spirit showed me tonight. Whatever His reason, I can more readily accept tonight, He has a grand plan and  that I just need to trust Him...which could be another possibility... :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Where Do We Go From Here?

That is a question I have been asking myself a lot since Thursday. What does this all mean? I was so sure God was going to answer this by the end of school that I'm not sure what to think any more.             When I was five, I was attacked by a dog and wound up with 55 stitches in my head. This dog was not some stray dog I didn't know. He was one I had played with numerous times before. I loved this dog, knew him well, what to expect from him and yet he attacked me. To this day I shy away from dogs. One hurt me once and it could happen again. Every time I have tried to talk to God about what happened with this request and what it is He wants from now, I tend to shy away from the prayer in the same manner I shy away from dogs, and for the same reasons...it hurts, it's not what I expected from God, it's not what He promised. I know God did not intentionally hurt me and somewhere deep down, I know God has a plan for what He's doing and I've no reason to not trust Him, but my human nature shies away from being so hurt and devastated again.    
     I do know, however, that while God did work in some tremendous ways, the reason this whole journey began has not been fulfilled. God did not ask me to teach my students about covenant praying although they learned a valuable lesson about following through on a commitment. God did not ask me to teach them or learn myself that faith is a deliberate choice we make even though that did happen. God did not ask me to take this on so that I would better learn the role of Holy Spirit in my relationship with Him but it did happen nonetheless. God asked me to take this on to show me He is a God capable of doing impossible things if I'll just let Him. I asked Him to have a better understanding of Him because of it. I have learned so much about Him. I am still in the process of coming to accept many of the things He has taught me, yet that one reason, to see Him do the impossible, still has not happened.
     I cannot tell you how many times in the past five months God has told me to stop worrying, that while the circumstances surrounding the prayer have changed, the promises have not. As much difficulty as I have tonight believing those promises, that statement remains true. God's promise to do what two people ask who agree and are praying in the Spirit is still true tonight four days after school has ended. Two of us asked, agreeing in prayer and led by the Spirit, to allow these kids to meet Tim Tebow.
     If God's promises in His Word are true, then I have no choice but to believe that God is still going to allow my students to meet Tim Tebow. I say I have no choice, but that's not true, I do. The easier choice is to give up, to say that this was never God's will, but I don't honestly believe that. One has to only look at all the ways the Holy Spirit led the prayers of two people thousands of miles away to know that's not true. It's easy to say that God never meant for us to meet Tebow, He just used that to teach the kids the value of stepping out on faith. It's easier to believe that, but it's not true. I can not let go of the feeling that God isn't finished here and He still does mean for them to meet Tebow.
     It's harder now. I've lost faith, I've lost the passion and drive to see God do this. It's harder now to accept since there is no longer a timeline God needs to answer in. I am afraid I'll be disappointed once again. My mind goes to Jarius and to Martha. It must have been easier for them to believe their loved ones would be restored while they were still alive. How hard the choice to believe Jesus could still act once they died must have been for them. The Bible doesn't say they had difficulty, but I suspect they did. They had to make a very deliberate choice to believe that not only could Jesus still act, but that He would. I suspect that is what God is asking me, that this is why He taught me lessons from both of their stories.
    I'll be honest,  I am uncertain and having difficulties making myself vulnerable to God once again. I am struggling tonight to make that deliberate choice to take God at His word, but I know it's what I need to do. God is Who He says He is. If He said ask, if He said two agreeing in prayer will have thier request granted, then it's true and my kids will still meet Tebow somehow, some way, just not in the manner I thought they would.
     Perhaps the circumstances are just not impossible enough for Him to show me or the kids just how big of a God He really is, I don't know. What I do know is, we need to continue on in this prayer until God answers the request He desired of me to ask Him, that we need to continue to pray until the kids meet Tebow. I am continuing on and hope that God leads you to do the same.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

When God Doesn't Answer

It's nearly 2:30, school has been out for almost three hours and I am left wondering why God didn't come through on this. The no would have been much easier to accept if I had moved out on this on my own, but I didn't, God brought the challenge to me. It would be so much easier to reconcile this was never God's will if I hadn't seen Him actually move and work in this prayer, if He had not so clearly been directing how we should be praying. I look back over the post titles and remember the lessons God taught me along the way and wonder why He bothered if He wasn't going to allow the kids to meet Tebow.
     All those brave words from this morning about knowing God has gained a victory even if the answer is no seem to be mocking me. I know they are true, but they do nothing for the profound hurt and disappointment I feel right now. I'm not angry with God and that can only be the Holy Spirit at work, I just don't understand what God is trying to do here. When I turned on my radio, the first three or four songs dealt with God healing a hurting heart, so I know God is hurting with me and trying to comfort me, but I still am asking 'why?'
     I cannot say this was a wasted effort. I have only to look at my kids to know that's not true; I have only to listen to their testimonies and prayers to know God did something profound here. But where was God showing me that He is capable of the impossible if I allow Him to? Where is God being true to His character and His Word? He said to trust that He is Who His Word says He is, and I did, not easily, but I did, so where is Tebow?
     Oddly though, there is still some hope, a feeling that this is not over, yet and that could very well be the Holy Spirit speaking. I keep thinking about the things He showed me concerning Jarius and Martha. God worked for both of them after time had expired. Jarius had to still believe after his daughter died. Lazarus had to be dead so Martha could fully learn the lesson God had for her. I understand her a little better right now. "God, you could have answered this a thousand times in the past five months, but now it's too late.' But God didn't show me those things for nothing, there was a reason. Metaphorically speaking, the daughter has died and the brother is gone, so do I still have hope? Will God still work a miracle when all hope of one is gone?
     I wish I had easy answers. I wish I knew the outcome of my story as well as I do theirs, but I don't. I simply don't know what it is God is doing, but neither did Jarius or Martha and yet, somehow they found the courage to believe. So I'll go home and pray and try to figure out where it is we go from here, if anywhere.
     As I finish this, I feel God's peace in my heart, that comes from last night and this morning...times I didn't think I would be so grateful for so soon. The hurt and confusion are real, but so is the assurance that God is still in control and that His Word is still true, even now and once again, for what feels like the thousandth time, I know this because of the power of the Holy Spirit still at work in me.

...There's A Reason

If you haven't read the post, "When God Asks..." you may want to go read that first to fully understand this one. After posting that one last night, God and I spent some time trying to surrender what will happen today to His will. As I feel asleep, I managed, on very shaky ground, to surrender to Him.
     I woke up this morning heavy-hearted and feeling defeated. It felt like Satan had won a victory here. I decided to spend some time in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit for His strength to keep this surrendered. God impressed upon me through the initial part of our time together that He wasn't saying no, He was asking me to allow Him to say no. I thought again of Abraham. Several weeks ago, our youth director preached a sermon in our teen services about Abraham's surrender over Isaac. He referenced the verse in Matthew that says, "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you." He told the kids if they surrender what they most want to God, He won't necessarily take it away but add it to you because you've sought Him out first.
     As I continued in prayer, asking for guidance, I felt led to lift up my request once again. I wasn't sure how to pray, wasn't God asking me to let Him say no? I then lifted  that up to God, told Him I didn't know how to pray for the request and still allow for the possibility of a no. The Holy Spirit took over the prayer at that point. All week I have struggled with being able to take God at His word. There has been panic and desperation in my efforts to pray back my promise verses to Him, to stand on those promises. This morning, for the first time in a long time, I was able to pray Matthew 18:19 back to Him in confidence, knowing we have fulfilled the conditions of the verse. Satan didn't even bother to bring doubts.
     There is the definite peace and confidence I have been begging God for all week in my heart. Why, because I have made the choice to surrender to what He asked. This peace, this assurance is the reason He asked me last night to give the answer over to Him.
     I still don't know what will happen today. I still don't know if we'll face disappointment or excitement. What I am sure about in this moment is that whichever we face, God has won a victory. Whatever may come today, His purpose in asking me to take this challenge on has been fulfilled.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

When God Asks...

Tonight, God has asked me to do what is perhaps the most difficult and one of the most painful things He has asked of me yet in this whole journey. He has asked me to surrender to Him the fact that He may choose to not answer this request, not just on Thursday, but at all. None of it makes sense to me, why would God be asking me this, tonight, after all that He has done, all the ways He has shown His hand and guidance to be on this prayer. My heart breaks that my kids may not meet Tebow after all. If I am being totally transparent, I desperately hope that if I can manage to do this He'll still come through and let them meet him, but then that is not really surrendering is it?
     I keep remembering back to the weeks in which God asked me to surrender to His will over Tebow not being a Bronco. It took a couple of weeks to fully get that surrendered and now God is asking me to surrender in one night. I just cannot reconcile why yesterday He was saying stand on my word and tonight He is saying surrender the answer to me. I keep trying to come up with reasons why He would be asking this, but I have none. Perhaps, that's because I have to trust Him with the answer.
     I've been thinking about Abraham and God asking him to sacrifice Isaac. I wonder if Abraham had trouble reconciling human sacrifice with a God who considered murder a sin? I wonder if he had trouble understanding why God would give him a son, only to ask him to literally sacrifice him? This wasn't who he knew God to be and yet he took Isaac to that mountain and did as God asked. How??? I know the answer is faith, but in this moment, I cannot comprehend that kind of faith.
     All Abraham knew was that God had promised him a son and from that son would come innumerable descendants and the Messiah. He trusted that God had a reason, even if he didn't know or understand what it was. I guess that is what God is asking me. I know what He has promised and while I don't understand why He would ask me to surrender the answer to this request, I have to trust that He has a plan and knows what He is doing even if I don't.
     As I finish this, the tears are subsiding. Reconciliation is coming. This is what God wants, and after all He has done for me, how can I say no? I don't know what Thursday will bring. It may bring disappointment and sorrow or it may bring great joy and relief. What I know in my head and hope to know soon in my heart, is that whichever comes, it will all be according to His plan.

For any of my sophomores reading this, this is what God has asked ME to do, not you. I can't explain why to you, but you have prayed believing God will do this for you. You have stepped out on faith and on His promises, DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR EXPECTATION THAT GOD IS GOING TO ANSWER THIS FOR YOU. There has been no mistake in what God has shown me. The evidence of His hand is overwhelming, you have seen and experienced it for yourselves. Stand on that. Stand on God's promises. I don't know why God has asked this of me, but He has. God spared Isaac. I have hope that God's answer is still yes and that He just wants me to be willing to let it be no.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why Do You Bother Asking?

I have this friend at work who will ask me a question and when I give her an answer say, 'not' and go ask someone else. She does this so often, it has become a running joke between us. A lot of times she'll ask and I tell her, 'why bother, you won't believe me any way, even if I'm right.'
     Yesterday, Satan was reeking havoc on all the promises God has made to me over the past several months. Every time a verse came to mind, immediately I began to think, 'does God really mean that?' I laughed when I realized I was doing to God what my friend was doing to me. If I'm not going to take God at His word, then why bother asking Him anything in the first place. This idea of actually taking God at His word has been a bigger revelation to me than it should have been. I have come to realize just how much in theory I believed God's Word, but when it came to reality, to living and accepting it, that was a different story. Why? Glad you asked.
     One reason I've come to realize this is because I don't expect my desires to be God's will. I have been taught so often that we are not to pray selfishly, while that is true, somehow I got the idea that anything I wanted was selfish and therefore couldn't be God's will. That's not always true. The Bible says God will give us the desires of our heart. I've been taught, and believe, that has a double meaning. Not only will God give us the things we want, He'll create in us the desire for things He wants. If my prayers are truly Spirit-led, then I should have no problem asking God for things and believing He'll give them.
     Second, I think I have trouble taking Him at His Word because I've never really tried God before. The Bible says to taste of Him and see His goodness. That is what this whole journey has been about, but I've never done this before. I've not ever known God on this level before. I've not had to trust Him down to the wire like this before. I know God. I know He answers prayers, I even know He answers big prayers, but that's always been for someone else, not for me. It's hard to take Him at His Word if I don't really believe those words are for me.
     Last, I think I struggle because until now, I've not ever really expected God to do anything big through me. I've always expected Him to do 'safe', 'doable' things. I recently heard on the radio someone say that our God is not safe; that He has a wild imagination. God is a terrible God, capable of terrifying things, we forget that side of God. But oh, does He have a wild imagination...why else would I be expecting to meet Tim Tebow in the next 48 hours. That is most definitely God's doing, I could not have dreamed this up and sustained it on my own. God WILL do big things, if I let Him work through me. 
     Tonight, I am making the choice to listen to and accept what God is saying in His Word. His promises are true, He will do what He promises and I can bank on that.
 Anyone else feel like singing, "Standing on the Promises?" 

Does God Roll His Eyes?

As teacher, I occasionally have a student who is an 'expert' on something and feels the need to 'educate' the rest of us on this topic. Nine times out of ten, this student is way off base and just likes to show off how smart he is. I struggle very hard not to roll my eyes at this child as he tells his tale. He is being presumptuous and really has no idea what he is talking about.
     Last night I suspect God was rolling His eyes at me. God's silence in this last few days has been very frustrating. Unfulfilled expectations of an answer each day have been extremely frustrating. Me, in all my spiritual wisdom, decided there must be something God was trying to teach me through His silence.  Sunday night we had a missionary speak. His initial statements dealt with faith. Right away I thought, "ha, ha! There is something God wants to teach me about faith." so I listened very intently, trying to figure out just what it was God was trying to tell me. After the sermon, I felt frustrated. I felt that I had missed what it was God was trying to say. When it came time to pray, I very diligently asked for the Holy Spirit's guidance as I prayed because, after all, God had something to say. It is amazing what the Holy Spirit 'teaches' you when you are determined that He has something to teach you whether He really does or not. The missionary spoke of grace being the thing on which we stand when times become difficult or confusing and not on faith. I had myself convinced that I had been praying wrong all along, that it wasn't faith, but grace that was going to answer this. He also said grace comes when we realize that God is the only One Who can work in a situation and that there is nothing I can do. So I convinced myself the Holy Spirit was telling me that ordering my arguments before Him was me trying to get my prayers answered rather than just trusting God. Once again, in my wisdom, I 'felt led' of the Spirit to stop praying back all the reasons why God should consider this request and just pray for Him to answer because of Who He is. Problem was, I still felt frustrated. I was having a hard time reconciling praying in faith and standing on grace. It really got me down yesterday, because I really felt I was missing what God was trying to tell me. I decided to 'reason this out' by writing a blog post, but nothing really was coming together the way I thought it should. Once again, I convinced myself there was some truth, just there below the surface and it was my spiritual duty to dig it out. As I began to pray last night, I begged and pleaded with God to reveal to me what it was He was trying to teach me...and nothing. I tried to 'be still and know ' but that wasn't working either. I gave up and went on to pray for Tebow. That time in my prayer was radically different. I very much felt the Spirit directing this part of my prayer. As I began to lift up my sophomores, there were things the Spirit led me to pray about for them. I dreaded spending time with Kris, because how was I going to pray? God had 'told' me not to lift up arguments anymore, to just pray, 'answer this God because of Who You are.' I confess, I was a little relieved when 8 o'clock came and she hadn't texted that she was coming up, but at 8:15 she did...and boy am I glad she did. Two, very simple statements she made God used to show me how dumb I had been. Kris said she had such a peace that God was going to answer this that it was hard to pray because this already had been answered. In her prayer she asked for assurance for me that this was going to happen.
     After she left, I thought 'why is it that others, who God didn't even challenge, were having an easier time believing than I was?' It was then that I realized God hadn't been trying to teach me anything at all. In my desperate attempts to make sense out of God's timing, I had convinced myself there was something in that sermon I needed, so I found what I 'needed'. That was why I was having such difficulty reconciling the sermon with what God has shown me, the Holy Spirit wasn't saying anything. It is also why I just couldn't quite grasp what it was He was trying to teach me or why I wasn't get any answers...there were none.
     After all this, I am fairly certain God does roll His eyes at us and shake His head. I was definitely one of those kids that drive me insane with their 'knowledge.' Fortunately for me, while God may roll His eyes at me, He still loves me and doesn't cringe when I talk to Him again and just maybe even laughs when I realize just how stupid and off-base I have been.

Friday, May 11, 2012

We Still Believe

It's Friday morning. We have four and a half more days of school and today I believe that my God will come through, that what He's said, He'll do. Why? Because I choose to believe. It's not an easy choice, Satan makes sure of that, but through the ever present power of the Holy Spirit, I am able to make the choice to still believe. I am not, however, the only one making this choice. There are seven sophomores who expect every day to receive news of the day they'll meet Tim Tebow. I have often wished that those of you who do not know these kids could hear their prayers and witness their faith first hand. While I know it's not possible to actually hear them, or see their faces when we talk about this journey, you can read why it is they choose to still believe. Read on and for those of you who pray for these kids, rejoice in what God has accomplished in their lives because you too made a choice to invest your prayers in them.

    Hi, it's Isabel again! I choose to believe that I will meet Tim Tebow next week because it is a choice that I make. This year our theme in devotions was about making choices. In our devotions, Miss McGuire talked about how we make decisions everyday. It is our decision to come to school (well, our parents help us make that decision). It is our decision to choose who hangs around us. It is my decision to believe that my class will meet Tim Tebow. When Miss McGuire told us about Unintimidated, I was excited because this gave me a chance to work on being a prayer warrior! I have made decisions in the past to become a prayer warrior, but I did not follow through. When I heard about Unintimidated, I decided to take this vow and become a real prayer warrior. I have seen God work in so many ways over this last semester! In the beginning of the year, I prayed that my class would grow spiritually, and we did! Nothing is impossible with God and I believe that fully! I will meet Tim Tebow because nothing is impossible with God!

   Hi, my name is Lindsey! I'm a sophomore at Friendship Christian Schools and I firmly believe God will bring Tim Tebow here next week. Why? because God can do anything! God did so many miracles in the Bible and He still does them today. I know that God will bring Tim Tebow here because I have faith in Him. When God does bring him here it will be another proof that God is real and He does miracles. I am excited to meet Tebow! Even if he doesn't come next week I know God has a bigger plan for Unintimidated, and we will meet Tim Tebow somehow! God has a plan for our request to meet Tebow and I have faith he will bring it to pass. All things are possible with God!

    Hello, my name is Nikita. I am a sophmore at Friendship Christian Schools. I truly still believe that the sophomore class will meet Tim Tebow sometime next week. the reason why I still believe in this prayer being answered because God can do impossible things in such a short amount of time. Miss McGuire's faith in believing that we will still meet Tim Tebow has helped me to keep believing in the fulfillment in this prayer. God works in very weird way, God is always in control of everything, so I still believe that we will meet Tim Tebow. Cause God can accomplish the impossible.

     Hi, my name is Drew. I am one of the students who has pledged to be a prayer warrior. There are many reasons why I believe we will meet Tim Tebow next week, but I will just give you two. First I believe in our Great God! The Bible says that Joshua prayed that the sun would stand still, and God answered that prayer. If He can stop a giant mass of gasses thousands of times bigger than the earth I believe He can let one small class meet one modern spiritual hero. Second I have seen Him work already. I know we are in His will because at least three times when Miss. McGuire told others about a burden she had the others had the same burden. that is the Holy Spirit at work! Also when we prayed for a sign, immediately after we learned that Tebow had been traded to the Jets. Because of these things and others I know we will meet Tim Tebow next week.

Hey! My name is Jefferson. I am also a sophomore who has committed to the "Unintimidated" prayer group. We are coming down to the last week of school here at Friendship Christian Schools, however we as a class have continued to pray to meet Tim Tebow. We all still believe that it IS going to happen. Yes it gets hard at times but we know that our God is an awesome God and He can do anything.  Myself...I believe that we are going to meet Tim Tebow because God has already answered our request. He has already promised us that we are going to meet him somehow or someway. When God makes a promise, I believe Him. It might not always be the easiest thing to do but the Bible says it is impossible for him to lie. So whether he comes to us, or we go to him, this promise WILL be fulfilled, because our God can do anything. "With God, all things are possible."

     Hello my name is Jamie and I'm back to right on the blog about why I think God will allow us to see Tim Tebow. I believe God will allow us to see Tim because I trust that God will stay true to His word and answer our prayers. God says that He will answer all our prayers. I believe that the answer is to wait and trust that God will do everything in his good timing. Romans 8:28 says that God will let all this waiting work together for good. In the mean time I ask that anyone that reads this will pray for us that we will keep our faith and trust that God will this prayer. Thank you and God bless.

     As you can see, they too have reasoned out their faith. They have chosen to trust in the name of the Lord their God. Your prayers for them have definitely been answered. God has definitely wrought a wonderful thing here and meeting Tebow will simply be a confirmation of all that God has said He would be.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What Happened Today?

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord..." Isaiah 1:18

I guess the saying that a watched pot never boils could be applied to cell phones too...a watched cell phone doesn't ring, no matter how badly you may want it to.
     Today was an agonizing day. This morning I felt heavily burdened to get a hold of God and plead for an answer, today. So I spent my prayer time begging God for news of Tebow's coming. I then texted a few friends to ask them to be in constant prayer today in case this was the day God chose to fulfill His promise. Almost immediately, I got a text back from one of those friends saying she had been praying the exact same thing just that morning. Let me say, I got chills. That was absolutely the work of the Holy Spirit. During our devotions, I challenged the kids to not let this be a spiritual plateau in their lives, but to use this to reach ever higher in their walk. I then shared with them the story of my morning prayer. Those kids sat there stunned and one finally said, that was God. We forewent our normal prayer time and just lifted up this request before God. Again, I wish all of you who do not know these kids had the same privilege I have in hearing them pour out their hearts to God. Their simple faith and confident expectation of an answer challenge my own faith. I then told them they too, needed to be in constant prayer for an answer today. I have NEVER wanted a cell phone to ring so badly in my life. It went with me everywhere, one of my girls thought this was funny.
     As the school day drew to a close and there was no answer, Satan, right on cue, began once again to throw doubts my way. Maybe I was wrong this morning. Maybe I have been wrong all along. Perhaps I have misinterpreted all the verses I claim as His promise to me. Maybe God never intended to let the kids meet Tebow and I have lead them down a very wrong path. My mind, or perhaps it was the Holy Spirit, argued against all of this. Why would God be so mean? He wouldn't dangle this opportunity in front of us only to draw it back and say 'ha, ha...got ya.' I'm not the only one who God has impressed action upon, it was upon Stephanie He placed the burden to begin UNINTIMIDATED. These kids have made tremendous spiritual strides. How could any path that builds their relationship with God be a wrong one? I go over and over again the morning God challenged me to take this on. The sermon had nothing to do with faith or proving God, it was a sermon on hope. The Broncos weren't even on my mind, when out of the blue, God said ask Him for this. The fact that God has led so many others to join proves His hand is on this, especially since very few of us praying actually know these kids.
     Satan wanted to discourage me, to cause me to become frustrated and uncertain. Unfortunately for him, it worked the opposite. I was able to reason out with the guidance of the Holy Spirit why all of this had to be at His hand.
     And for those of you wondering did we hear anything? It is 8:45 as I write this and nothing...that we know of. But as one of my girls said as she left school at 3:00, 'there's still 9 more hours, God could still answer.' or as another mentioned, 'perhaps God meant He was going to reveal this to Tebow today.' I don't know what happened today. I don't know what God did today, all I know is He led two of us to pray for the exact same thing today, so God did do something, perhaps something big, today.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Forget the Kids, I'm Ready

Yesterday in my devotions I read through what is really the Lord's prayer. I absolutely love this prayer as Jesus' love and passion are poured out first on His disciples and then on all believers. However, as I was reading this, I noticed something else about this prayer, Jesus recapped His earthly ministry pointing out to the Father that He had done all that He had come to do and that He was ready to face the crucifixion  and complete salvation's plan. Jesus was ready for the answer. There was nothing left for Him to do. He had taught, He had performed miracles, He had worked, He had challenged the religious system and He had prepared His disciples to carry on His work.
    I can not begin to express to you how ready I am for God to answer this. This has been quite a journey. It began with a challenge from God, to try Him and see all that He could do. It has since blossomed into this amazing work of God. God has shown both Steph and me so many things concerning prayer and faith and I have diligently taught them to my students. God asked me to surrender my will to His own over Tebow being a Bronco and that is fully done. God said 'pray bigger' and we did and have seen tremendous spiritual results. We have written letters, we have blogged, we have Face Booked. My students have been challenged to become genuine prayer warriors and they have accepted that challenge and gone beyond. They are ready to climb to that next level of faith and prayer. There is nothing left, it has all been done, everything He has asked, we have done.
     I am tired, but as my dad used to say, 'it's a good tired.' God has accomplished much through us. I am tired from the monumental effort this journey has been. I'm not weary or discouraged, just the opposite actually, I am just ready to rejoice in the rewards for a little while, that's all. A little rest and a HUGE victory before God brings on the next round.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

These Kids Are Ready

The anticipation is intense around here. Seven and a half school days remain. As excited as I am about seeing God fulfill this request, I think, perhaps, my kids are more so. They have been such a blessing the past two days during homeroom. There faith is REAL, they fully expect to meet Tim Tebow in the next week or so...and why shouldn't they? Their God is more than capable of answering their request. I thought I'd share with you some of our conversations over the past few days and  then you too can anticipate with us.
     One of my girls told a story of how convinced she was that she saw Tebow walking down our school's street, she made her mother circle the block and go back, just to make sure who it was she saw. Yesterday, one of my boys told us of a dream he had about us meeting Tebow. Ever been so excited about an upcoming event that you dreamed about it? We talked about what they wanted to do when Tebow got here and the pictures we'd take...one wants a pic of their entire class and Tebow Tebowing. We spent some time speculating just how God was going to work this out and in so doing I asked them, "guys, what if God answers this by Tebow inviting us to New York?! Wouldn't it be great to spend time in NYC this summer?!" Of course this got them all excited and we talked about all the things we'd do in NY if God chooses to answer this way. Today, I mentioned it was now 7 and half days and that we were one day closer, which got us once again talking about NYC and going to the Statue of Liberty. It was at this point one of my girls said she didn't know what to do about next Wednesday. We are in finals next week. If our kids do not have to take a final, they are not required to come to school. This particular girl has no finals next Wednesday. She said she wasn't sure what she should do since it looks like that will be one of the two days God will fulfill this request. She didn't know if she should come to school in case that was the day or chance it not being. It was fun to see her and her classmates try to come up with a solution. I then told she could just pray and ask God to reveal to us this week what day he was coming so she could make plans, pretty sure that's what she'll be doing the rest of the week. (On a more serious note, please do be in prayer about working out the kids' finals schedule with this visit)
     I realize these kids are not exactly children, but they have definitely displayed a child-like faith in their God and this is the type of faith we all need to see God do the impossible. I am so excited for God to do this for them I can hardly stand it, one week is most definitely going to feel like an eternity 'round these parts.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Two Types of Prayer

These thoughts have been rattling around in my head for a number of weeks, but it wasn't until today, during 6th grade English class, no less, that God was finally able to break through with what it was He's been trying to get across to me.
     From some statements that have been made, it would seem that there are people who think I have prayed this request to consume it on my own lusts. In all fairness, that wouldn't be a far stretch for people who know me since I am a huge Broncos fan. Also, in fairness, this is something I was concerned about at the beginning of this journey because, at the time, Tebow did play for the Broncos. The implications did get under my skin, I admit. For a few weeks, there was some vindictiveness in my prayers. 'God, You have to answer this to prove to those people I'm not being selfish. Prove them wrong, God.' God did recently point out that spirit to me and I have since confessed it and abandoned that type of praying, which is probably why God was finally able to show me what He did today.
     Somehow, it seems we've gotten the idea that to pray for things we want automatically means we are praying to consume it upon our own lusts. I recently did a devotion with my soccer girls about this idea and that was their conclusion. I then asked them what the purpose of asking God for something was. I was able to share with them the idea that anything we pray, yes, should be in accordance with God's will, but it should be so that He has opportunity to work in and through us and the end result is He be glorified by our answer.
     So how do I now have utmost confidence that I am not praying to consume it on my own lusts? There is something I have often prayed for in my life. Something I would afford a few months dedication to and then give up, only to take it up again several months later. This request was made totally out of my selfish desire to have it. Nowhere in the prayer did I seek for a way God could be glorified in it. I claimed to be praying in His will, but I didn't really ask Him if it was, or if I did, I assumed I knew the answer and gave God no time to really answer. I desperately wanted this thing for myself and what I could get out of it. As I look back at it now, I suspect I quit praying over it when God tried to show me, that for that time, it wasn't right. To pray to consume it upon our own lusts means to pray for something so are flesh is glorified, not God. This is what I was doing. I wanted it for me and not for God and that's why God didn't answer it.
     This prayer, however, has been totally different. I want God to perform this so that He is glorified. I want Him to answer so my faith has an opportunity to grow and now so that my students' does as well. I ask Him to fulfill this so that my kids will see the God of their Bible come to life in a physical, tangible way. I want this to be a memorial for our school. It is my desire that God uses this as a platform in their lives to climb to even greater heights. I pray this because, ultimately, God told me to ask Him for it. Do you see the difference between the two prayers?
     I know there are selfish elements to my Tebow prayer, how could there not be? The difference is, I want God to be able to work through this request, where I didn't the other one. I want God to be magnified this time, last time, I didn't care what He wanted. This is a prayer God delights in because every day I strive to turn it over to Him and let Him work it out in a manner of His choosing; I never did that with the other one.
     As far as I can tell, it is not wrong to ask God for selfish things. After all, Jesus did ask His Father for another way to pay for man's sin if possible...He didn't want to face the crucifixion or be separated from God. What we, like Jesus, need to remember about those prayers is what will glorify God in the end and then conform our prayers to fit that goal.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Here We Go

Back in January, when Steph and I first began to pray, I had truly hoped God wouldn't make me wait until the last week of school, or even until the last day of school to answer. I had hoped He would take pity on my poor faith, as this is the first time I've ever really prayed on this level, and fulfill this request earlier. As you can see, He did indeed choose to wait until May, and now that one of my students is gone for a week, He has waited until the last two days to fulfill His promise.
     I can look back over the long months of this journey and see many reasons why God has waited. There are so many things that have happened that wouldn't have had God answered at any other time. Today, I took care of the last of the things that could possibly stand in the way of God being able to answer this request. As far as I know, there is nothing blocking God's ability to fulfill this.
     There are eight and a half school days left. I am anxious today. No, not necessarily a worried anxious, although a little fear is tagging around the edges of my faith, but an anticipating  kind of anxious. In the next eight and a half days, God is going to fulfill this request and that is a mind-blowing and awesome thing to stop and consider.  I am confident in my God and I expect in the next week and a half to meet Tim Tebow and I AM SO EXCITED FOR MY KIDS!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Unexpected Blessings Along the Way

I love Fridays, yes, because it's Aloha Friday and that means either Starbucks or Coffee Bean, yes, because the weekend is almost here, but mostly these days, I look forward to Fridays because this is the day I get to join my kids in prayer for UNINTIMIDATED.
     I know I share allot of the struggles I've experienced in this journey and what I've learned from them. I've also shared many of the things God has shown me concerning faith and prayer along the way. God has impressed upon me I need to share more of the blessings, big or little that have come about as a result of this journey as well. They too are ways He uses to teach and build our faith. So here are several 'little' blessings God showered me with today.
     Today, one of our seniors joined us in praying. I invited her because she was in my room as we were preparing to pray and I suspected she had read some of the blogs I had posted. A week or so ago I had asked my sophomores to consider sharing this prayer with someone outside UNINTIMIDATED. Turns out, the senior I invited to pray with us was someone one of the girls asked to begin praying with us. Her prayer was so sweet. She lifted the sophomores up before God, encouraging them to be faithful and for God to work through them. She then prayed just as sincerely that God would protect Tim Tebow and that He would grant their request to meet him. If you didn't know, you would have thought she'd been praying with them all along.
     Speaking of them praying, I wish each of you who weren't there today could have been to hear these kids pray. How they pray for Tebow...we all could use someone praying for us like that. Their simple faith that God will fulfill this request moved me to tears as they prayed. I had shared with them some wisdom my assistant pastor's wife shared with me...to thank God for the answer He brings, before He brings it and today they were thanking God for the day they would meet Tebow. Better yet, they are already praying for his safety as he travels here. God had to be on cloud nine hearing those prayers lifted up today, I know I was.
     Tonight, a parent of one of my sophomores told me she had been reading the blogs and found them encouraging..praise God He is using these. She then thanked me for teaching these kids about this type of praying. She said she had seen spiritual growth in her child. That one statement has made every tear, every frustration, every fight, every hard-learned lesson worth it, God is working here. Oh, and she said she has been praying with us too.
     You know Steph, I think we both missed all that 'pray bigger' meant. When this started way back in January, my request was very narrow, "God, build my relationship with you through this. Let me see you do the impossible." God has so stretched this prayer to include soooooo much more than that. Yes, 'pray bigger' meant starting UNINTIMIDATED. Yes, it meant broadening out the scope of this prayer. But did you ever imagine this prayer of 'let my kids meet Tim Tebow' would net this? Tonight I count 18 people I know of praying for this request. We started out with 2. My kids, by their own testimonies, have become genuine prayer warriors. They already are producing fruit that will remain in their lives. They have gone from hoping God will answer to having a confident expectation that their God is Who He says He is that and they will meet Tim Tebow.
     I'm not exactly sure how to end this. I feel like shouting PRAISE GOD and now, hopefully, you do too because what an awesome God we are privileged to serve.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


"When He heard therefore that he was sick, He abode two days still in the same place where He was." John 11:6

I hate delays. I hate getting stuck in traffic. I hate even more getting delayed at the airport because it inevitably means I'm going on a tour of the country before I arrive at my destination. I hate when things don't start on time, okay, I think you get the picture, I hate delays. Yet in this verse we find Jesus waiting two whole days after He heard the news of Lazarus' death before going to Bethany. Those were two days He could have done something, yet He chose to wait? Why? There was something Martha needed to learn and it could only be learned once Lazarus was dead. Jesus delayed so the circumstances would be as He needed them to be for Him to work. Martha needed to learn that Jesus had immediate power over death; it was essential to her understanding of His resurrection and she wasn't going to learn that from Lazarus merely being healed. Lazarus had to die before Jesus could act.
     I am sure it felt to Mary and Martha that Jesus had simply ignored their request for Him to come. Four days passed before He arrived, days in which they watched their brother die, days in which they buried him, days in which they saw all hope vanish. Because it is May, it feels some days that God simply isn't listening anymore. Then I read this story and see that God isn't ignoring my requests, He's merely waiting for the circumstances to be just the way He needs them for Him to work. I just know there is something big God wants to do in the lives of these kids and things have to be just right for that to happen. I don't know everything God is having to orchestrate to bring this about, perhaps I'd be more sympathetic and less demanding if I did. I need to allow God the time He requires to get everything He has planned in place, that way this will be all that I had hoped for my students and so much more. If I rush Him, what will they miss out on?
      Actually, come to think of it, from God's point of view, there has been no delay, this has all been right on His schedule all along, just like Jarius' daughter and just like Lazarus.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Substance of Things Hoped For

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" Hebrews 11:1

There have been so many times since January that I have said or thought, "this is where real faith begins," Yet, somehow, God kept stretching that faith into more and more faith, asking me, "will you believe Me under these circumstances?" "How about under these?"  We have now truly entered a place in this prayer where the circumstances seem utterly impossible for God to answer and today He is asking, "will you still believe I can answer?" I admit, I am desperately holding onto my faith, trying to keep the fear Satan is constantly throwing at me crucified. It is at times like these I am so very thankful for the prayer warriors God has given me as friends. I am so thankful to have a visible accountability partner here in Hawaii, one who prays with me every day, as well as a long range one in Chicago, one, who though time constraints and family obligations keep us from daily contact, has not failed once to keep the faith in this journey. It was she who I turned to tonight when fear came on strong. It was through her faith and encouragement that God reminded me of the passage quoted above. It was this verse that God used to calm my fear and ask me once again, "do you still believe I can answer?"
     As I explain what God showed me tonight, I am borrowing heavily from the analogy my study Bible used to explain the faith of this verse. 
First, as a child, I expected to get gifts on my birthday (okay, so I do as an adult too, I coach my students every year on what would be great gifts to buy me). I had (have) an assurance that there would be gifts. Why? Because I had gotten them in the past. My parents and friends had always bought them and I had no reason to expect them not to.  In the days leading up to my birthday, I would begin to anticipate what those gifts would be, some I knew, others were surprises and some, although I knew what they would be, were not exactly as I expected them to be...they were better. That's what God is still trying to tell me, I have no reason to believe He won't come through on this. there has NEVER been a time He hasn't fulfilled a promise. I just need to sit back and anticipate all the ways He plans on fulfilling this request, not fearing He won't answer.
     Second, the words 'hoped for' and 'evidence' are key words to our faith. "Hoped for" implies a certainty, as in ,"it was all I had hoped for." Evidence implies a confidence, as in, "the evidence left the jurors little doubt as to who the real culprit was." We have a certainty in our faith based on the character of Who God is. Nothing has ever proven He is anything other than what He says He is, there is a definite certainty to that. Based on that, I can have confidence that what He promises He'll do, He will. When He promises in Matthew 18:19 that where two are agreed and ask in His will, He will do it for them, He means it. I've no reason to doubt it and 15 days left of school shouldn't change that.
     I wish studying out these verses meant that there would be no more fear, however, Satan isn't that kind. What this does mean though is that I have more ammunition with which to fight him. God is Who He says He is and NOTHING can or ever will change that...so I'll do my best to sit back and anticipate all the good things God has in store for this visit.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Today is May 1, we end school May 17, one of my students leaves for a week next week. Needless to say, today was a panicky day. Some real fear took hold of me today that time would run out and the kids will not have met Tebow. I looked around me and saw no available way for this to be answered...despite everything God has done and shown me.
     I had my devotions later than usual today. I asked God to show me something that indicated He hadn't forgotten this request. It came in the early verses of John 6 with the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. Jesus asked Philip what resources they had to feed so many people. Philip immediately began calculating all that was needed to feed the people and what they had. He was looking at the physical resources the disciples had on hand, which wasn't much. Philip, however, had overlooked one very important resource...Jesus. Jesus was ready to perform the miracle, He had planned to all along, He merely asked Philip to figure it out to give Philip's faith a chance to grow a bit. Not only was Jesus ready to perform the miracle, He provided the resources for it through the little boy's lunch of two fishes and five loaves.
     Nearly four months ago, God said ask, already knowing how He was going to bring this about. He said to ask to give my faith a chance to grow. With time so short, I, too, forgot one of my most important resources is God Himself. God has provided everything He needs to perform this miracle...letters, blogs, FB requests...and whatever else He needs, He'll provide that too.
     If God can perform the miracle, He can provide the means for it to happen as well.

p.s one other thing that came out my devotions was this statement in the study portion of my Bible, "Faith is an expectation for God to act"...God is truly going to do something miraculous. We have agreed in prayer, we have sought His will, He has confirmed in SO many ways this is His will, I trust that he will not go back on His Word or His promises and He will act to bring about a visit from Tim Tebow.