Monday, June 25, 2012


"if we believe not, yet He abideth faithful: He cannot deny Himself"   2 Timothy 2:13

   It's seems God has put us in a holding pattern in this journey. I find those to be somewhat aggravating when I travel, flying around in circles right above your destination, waiting for the chance to land. It's aggravating because either you're right there, just out of reach of your destination, waiting for something to happen on the ground so you can land or it happens when you have a short lay-over time to begin with and it is just cutting into the precious moments you need to dash for your next flight, either way, they're aggravating.
     I suspect, we are in a holding pattern because we are close to our destination...meeting Tim Tebow...and something needs to happen here on the ground first. It is very annoying to me to not know what this thing may be and more annoying still, God isn't revealing anything ... nothing  ... nada ...  zip.  At least at other times in this journey when He was silent, He was teaching me something, not this time, which is why I think we're close and just waiting for circumstances to be what He needs them to be.
     While He may not be teaching me something I need to learn, He has been spending a lot of time reminding me of several things He has taught me. The three most prevelant reminders have been first, waiting takes strength. I can not tell you how many times over the past several weeks I have come across Isaiah 40:31..."they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength..." in one form or another.
     A second reminder has been to continue faithful, don't quit. Two verses this past week in my devotions dealt with continuing in prayer because the answer is coming and then last night our sermon came from Eph. 6:10-18, the idea being to wrestle against quitting and giving Satan a victory.
    The third reminder, and the one that deals with the last phrase of the verse above, is that God is faithful, what He promises He'll do He does. I have read several verses that deal with God being absolute and doing the things He has promised. I read this verse today and it really stuck with me, at least that last phrase did, "He cannot deny Himself." Stop and think about that for a minute, God is incapable of not being Who He says He is. He has to answer this request because He promised in Matthew 18:19 that if we agree in prayer and pray according to His will, He will answer it. We have fulfilled our end of the bargain, I truly believe that. God has to answer this, He's not a liar, (Titus 1:2-"...God, which can not lie...") if He does not answer He would be denying Who He is.
     If that sounds presumptous to you, I apologize, I don't mean for it to be. This truth just really lit up for me today, and in context of what we are praying for, makes me very excited.
     The funny thing is, I haven't really been struggling with doubting Him. Actually, it's been quite the opposite, I have a real peace in my heart that an answer is on the way, that's probably also why I find this particular silence so annoying...answer it already, God, please. Perhaps I find this truth so fascinating because it is comfirmation of what I already know in my heart, God is Who He says He is and He will come through...someday :)
     So, while holding patterns may be annoying, they are necessary to help us arrive at our destination in the safest and best manner possible. I may not like God's silences,  and while I may find them annoying, I know God has a purpose for them...getting us to meet Tebow in the best way possible...His.

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