Wednesday nights are prayer time in our church. This is when our prayer bulletin is handed out and in it is the list of missionaries our church supports. Each week, our pastor will read a letter from one and list the needs that particular missionary has. I, however, am not in our regular church service on Wednesdays, I help out in our teen services on another campus. During our school year, a friend of mine will make a copy of the prayer bulletin and put it in my box at the school office. My problem is, she leaves for the summer so now I don't get a prayer bulletin. It has been somewhat annoying to try to pray for our missionaries specifically when I can't remember who they all are and when I don't know what their needs are. I have been lifting them up as a group and offering some prayers up on their behalf, but it feels like I'm not really accomplishing much on their behalf and I feel badly because I know they need my prayers desperately.
Today I was reading in Colossians. In chapter 1 Paul gives a long list of things he prayed over for the Colossians, a group of people he'd never met and didn't know specifics of their lives to pray about. The study portion in my Bible summed up that prayer into nine things we can pray for people even when we don't have details over which to pray.
This was such a blessing to me because I finally had something definite to lift up in prayer for our missionaries. As I read through the list, I realized these nine things are things we should pray for each other daily...and of course, it has given me something new to add into my prayers for Tebow, things he too definitely needs in his life.
I love when God gives you a helping hand when you are struggling to do the right thing and just can't quite figure out how to do it. He makes things so much easier and more joyful and a whole lot less frustrating.
No, I didn't forget to list the nine they are, hope you find them useful in your prayers for Tebow and whoever else you may be praying for:
1.) for them to understand God's will
2.) for them to gain spiritual wisdom
3.) for them to please and honor God
4.) for them to do kind things for other people
5.) for them to know God better and better
6.) for them to endure in faith
7.) for them to be filled with Christ's joy
8.) for them to be filled with God's strength
9.) for them to remain thankful
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