Monday, August 13, 2012

A Praise for Today

A few weeks ago God really spoke to my heart about my need of a sign as proof of His promises to me. He taught me that, with where I am at in this prayer, I shouldn't still need signs as proof that He would answer this request, His Word should be enough. From that lesson came an understanding that while I shouldn't need a 'token of good' for proof, one for encouragement and knowledge would be okay. Sometimes, we just need those to keep on in seemingly impossible circumstances. This is where my request that whenever He felt it right, He would indicate, through an article on my MSN page about Tebow, that He hadn't forgotten or that He was doing something specific to bring about an answer. I know God doesn't have to give those indications, but He is gracious enough and understanding of our human nature enough that He grants them anyway.
     That really is all this post is about, magnifying God for His kindness. I so often focus on the lessons learned and getting through a difficult time that I forget to praise Him for what He does do. Since I have relinquished my need of proof, God has been more gracious and kind than I deserve in letting me know He is indeed working on this request. It is such a joy each time I see an article about Tebow, because it tells me God wants me to keep praying, He's doing something. The most special blessings come like today's did. I was online, on my MSN page and there was an article about Tebow. Of course I was thrilled because I KNEW God doing something specific today, but the better part of the story is that when I went back to that web page half an hour later, the article was was like God put it there just for me, to let me know.
     As I've said, God owes me nothing. His Word is enough to stand on and believe in, however, what a loving God He is that He would encourage me to stay faithful by granting a silly request like a Tebow article...and to do it on more than one occasion. What a great and gracious God we serve!!!!

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