Monday, October 1, 2012

Geometry...In the Bible?

Today in Geometry class we learned about conditionals and "if-then" statements... "if the Broncos go to the Super Bowl, then we will have a party"...those kinds of statements.
Since school has started I have had a difficult time sincerely keeping this prayer before God. More times than I care to admit, this request has been tossed up to God in the mornings just so I could say I've prayed for it. Tonight was a blessed night in that I got home early, got to get school work and house work done before 7 and had some real, honest time to spend on this prayer...not something I've had much of. I asked God to just reaffirm that He was still going to answer this. He took me back to Matthew 18:19, my promise verse. The verse says IF two of us agree in prayer, THEN He will hear and do it for us. Of course I laughed when I realized conditional statements were indeed in the Bible and I had new-found ammunition for the statement often whined at me, "why do we need to know this? When are we ever going to use this?" Because knowing conditionals is how you'll get God to answer your prayers...that's why!!! :)
Along with learning how to write conditional statements, we learned how to evaluate the truth-value of a conditional. To do this, you have to come up with an example that would make the second part of the statement untrue. If you are able to do this then the conditional is false. Looking at the conditional in my verse, there is no way to make the second statement false, there is no instance that will cause God to not answer when the condition has been met. And that's because we serve a God Who is incapable of being anything other than what He says...He is absolute.
Needing geometry to better understand your Bible...who'd have thought?!

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