In my devotions I have been reading through Ezra. Many times the Bible mentions that God gave the Persian kings a heart to let the Israelites return from captivity and begin rebuilding the Temple. It also mentions on several occasions that He gave them a heart to provide gold, silver, bronze, oil, wine, etc...for the Israelites as they returned home and began rebuilding the Temple.
One request I make often of God concerning Tebow is that God lay a heavy burden on his heart to meet my students and that He put a desire in Tebow's heart to answer our request once he is aware of it. I ask God to let meeting Tebow be at no expense to the kids, even if they get to travel to meet him (because, yes, I do pray they get to go to New York to meet him). As I read once again this morning of God putting it in the kings' hearts to allow the captives to return and rebuild, and not only returning and rebuilding, but also giving provisions for it, I realized God can and will not only move in Tebow's heart to meet my kids, but also will provide a way for that to happen at no expense to the kids. After all, these kings were not God's own children and they fulfilled His plan, how much more can God do through one that belongs to Him?
This request and all that has come about from it has definitely been God's plan. God will always make a way for His plans to be fulfilled. Burdening Tebow's heart and giving him a desire to fulfill the request is something God can and will do. I don't have to be concerned about that, God will give Tebow a heart to meet my kids and a heart to make it happen in whatever way God is planning.
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