This morning I was reading through the last chapters of I Chronicles. In these chapters are all the vast details of David's preparations for Solomon to build the Temple. By the time Solomon took the throne, everything had been gathered, provided for, jobs appointed and plans detailed for how to build the Temple, Solomon just had to do it.
A great and privileged task had been given to Solomon by God, and through David, God made it possible for Solomon to accomplish it. Solomon didn't have to sit around and speculate on how the job was going to get done. He didn't have to try out different methods of construction. He didn't have to spend mindless hours looking at fabric patterns, colors and textures trying to figure out designs for the Temple. He didn't have to spend endless hours perusing magazines and articles trying to find the right structures and designs for the alter, brazen sea and all their parts. He didn't have to consult with contractors on where to break ground and how best to build the support and frame for the Temple. God had provided it all for Him.
God will not call us to any task that He doesn't already have the plans for and details already worked out. By the time God is burdening our hearts for a task, He knows exactly what He wants and how He wants it done. He doesn't call us to a task and tell us "Well, I'm not sure exactly how this'll work out, we'll just feel it out as we go." No, God knows where's He's headed. He doesn't take the detours, we do. God doesn't always reveal to us as clearly as He did to Solomon how He intends to accomplish the task, it would be nice if He did, but often He doesn't. More often it's like Abraham. God says go and we just have to start walking, trusting He'll point us in the right direction.
I look at the journey God has taken me on since January. I still don't see how God will fulfill this plan, I just know that nothing has been by accident. It's comforting, though, to be reminded that while we may not see how God is going to answer our request, He does. We can take heart that God already has all the details planned out and has provided all the things we need to accomplish this or any task He has called us to
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