Sunday, July 15, 2012

Be Thou My Vision

The whole idea of discussing this request with God rather than demanding things of Him has lead to some interesting discussions in my prayers. It has made me go back and re-examine why it is God said to ask.
      I have become rather curious, almost consumed, with why it is God said to ask. What is it that He wants to accomplish by answering this prayer. There is something big God wants to do, I can sense that as I pray, but what? I have said on several occassions, in both my blogs and to my kids, that there is great spiritual potential here for God to work...if we let Him. In recent days, I have begun to pray for God's vision to be fulfilled. And yes, I have asked Him to share what that vision would be. He keeps leading me to the verse in Ephesians that says, "now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you can think or ask..." that leads me to believe God has big plans, plans way beyond what I've been asking Him for. Don't get me wrong, I believe with all my heart that the Holy Spirit led me to ask for many of those things. I believe He wants to leave a memorial of prayer for our school. I believe He wants to become the God of our Bible to each of us, I truly think He wants this as an anchor, proof for these kids to someday hold onto as they face praying in impossible situations. I don't think I've been asking for the wrong things, I just don't think I've grasped His vision for what it is He wants to accomplish in this; and the truth is, I may not be able fully to grasp it, the verse does say He can do so much more than I can even think...
     So I have begun to pray not only to have God's passions and desires for this request, but also to have as much of His vision as He wants me to have. I have begun to pray that He instills in my heart and in those of my kids a deep desire to see God do all that He wants in this request.
     Funny sidenote...not too long ago, I asked God to re-awaken and stir up the excitement I felt for this request back during the school year, to anticipate an answer each day. Here lately when I pray I begin to imagine what God will possibly do, and then I remember that God wants to do so much more than I am asking. I get excited and find myself anticipating an answer just so I can see what all He has planned...God does indeed answer prayer, and often in ways we weren't expecting.

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