Monday, July 16, 2012

A Wild Imagination

There's a musical group in Ireland called the Rend Collective. This is a group of Christian musicians and singers who spend time together worshiping God. From this time, they have produced an album. Not too long ago I was listening to an interview with one of the group members and in his response to a song on the CD, he said that God is not safe and that He has a wild imagination. That thought about God's wild imagination has come to mind on more than one occasion and it was certainly on my mind tonight as I prayed.
     Have any of you who have been praying with us ever stopped and considered how utterly impossible this request is, that the way we are going about this absolutely makes no sense? This is something I've known in my head since the beginning and every once in awhile God breaks through to my heart with it. Tonight I really began thinking about it. There is no humanly way possible for this request to be answered. I don't know Tim Tebow, don't know anyone who does. I live no where near New York, he receives thousands of requests a day through his foundation, through media, mail, his Face Book page. He has a website managed by a team to schedule his speaking engagements...he doesn't usually even do that himself. I personally have written two letters on behalf of this request and a few other people have written as well. The Tim Tebow Foundation has not received more than 10 letters, if even that many, on behalf of this request. Seriously, what are the odds of him seeing even one of them?  When God brought me this challenge, He said to ask Him, not to ask the media, not to ask Face Book, YouTube or Twitter in a video campaign and to not undertake a letter-writing campaign so I haven't. Let's face it folks, this is crazy, it's not how one goes about getting the attention of Tim Tebow and yet this is exactly what God said to do. Still doubting God has a wild imagination? Who else would simply say, "Ask Me to meet Tim Tebow and see what I can do."
     There is no way possible for any of us to take any credit for meeting Tim Tebow when it happens and I think that is God's point. The answering of this prayer will not make sense to a lost world, but it should make every kind of sense to a child of God. Luke 1:37 says it best, "For with God, nothing shall be in possible." Not even a wild idea like expecting to meet Tim Tebow simply because we asked God and no one else.

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