Sunday, July 29, 2012

Why Yes, That IS God Answering Your Prayer

Satan is so good at making us doubt and question what we know to be God. Several weeks ago I had asked God for a token of good, an indication that He had not forgotten our prayer and was still working on it. I asked Him for an article about Tebow to appear on my news feed. It did, that very night and was gone the next morning. The night before our big Tebow blitz, I once again asked God for an indication, through a news article, that He had heard our prayers and had once again moved on our behalf. This time God said no, you don't need that token, you have my promise to hear your prayers and answer them when two of you are agreed. I then asked God that whenever He felt I needed the reassurance, or He wanted to remind me He hadn't forgotten to let there be news posts about Tebow. For a few weeks, there were none...and that was okay, God didn't feel I needed them.
     This past week, I've just really felt frustrated in my prayers. There are two major things I am praying for in my life right now, one of them being this request. It just felt pointless, like there was NEVER going to be an answer to either request. Then, Thursday, there was an article on Tebow in my news feed. There was another one on Friday and on Saturday and again today. And here is Satan trying to make me think these are not answers from God. His first tactic was to make me think I'd never asked God for this to be 'our' sign, he caused me to doubt, so I made sure today, I specifically asked God to only let there be articles on Tebow when He wants me to know He's working. Then he began in with the idea that articles from Tebow are no big deal, fall training has begun after all, of course there would be articles about him. Odd thing is, on my news feed at least, there are no other football related articles. There are stories just as big, if not bigger, in the NFL than Tebow, why aren't those in my feed? That's because, yes, God is answering my prayer. He hasn't forgotten my request or me. He is working to bring this about.
     It doesn't do any good to ask God for things if we are going to doubt Him when He answers. Of course Satan is going to cast doubt, he doesn't want us be encouraged to keep praying...he looses when we do. If you have the courage to ask God for something, have the courage to believe He'll answer, because He's promised He will. (Jer. 33:3)

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