Saturday, February 25, 2012

The 'BIGGER' Meaning

Not too long ago God showed me that my 10 minute lunch prayers were really not going to get much done and that if I really wanted an answer to this prayer I needed to commit some real effort and time to praying over it. So beginning this past week, I did. The idea of sustained prayer is daunting. I began each prayer session telling God there was no way I could keep up a long period of prayer with such a narrow focus, and each time God proved me wrong.
One of the things I have been praying about, along with my prayer partner, is what His command to 'pray bigger' means. My prayer in this area was really unfocused because I wasn't even sure if God meant that command for this prayer or if He meant that the next time I enter into this type of praying I was to pray for something even bigger than meeting Tebow. In addition, I was praying for an idea I thought God might be saying was this 'bigger'  but if it wasn't would He reveal the 'bigger' to us or would He just answer it without us knowing what it was. As I said, the prayer was disjointed and all over the map.  I realized Tuesday I needed some answers from God, because this uncertain praying was getting me nowhere. I narrowed the focus of the request down to which prayer specifically was God referring to, this one or the next. Because my Tebow request is time sensitive, I asked God to reveal to me by Saturday (today) which it was, and then, based on that prayer, I would begin to pray for what the 'bigger' was.
Let me just say, God is gracious. Not only did He answer my request for knowledge, but He also went ahead and answered what the 'bigger' was too. God impressed upon my prayer partner's heart that we needed to begin praying specifically for Tim Tebow himself. He faces so many temptations and obstacles and Satan is so subtle. God impressed upon her heart we needed to enter into covenant prayer on his behalf and to consider bringing my students in on this too. I always pray that God will direct our prayers in this matter and that if there is more we need to do concerning this request that He reveal it to one or both of us. It was easy to agree to enter into this covenant with her because I had already prayed.
What didn't occur to me until hours after I agreed and was rereading her message explaining what God showed her was that this was His answer to my request about the 'bigger'. In her message she said that maybe the 'bigger' was praying for Tebow himself. What God revealed to me hours later was that 'bigger' didn't have to mean more impossible, it could mean to broaden out the scope of the prayer, to make the prayer area bigger. As I was praying in this new area tonight and thanking God for an answer to my request, God also reminded me of the day...Saturday...the day I asked Him to let me know His meaning.
God is amazing! His timing is perfect. I cannot understand why a perfect, holy God is choosing to answer my prayers when I am so far from perfect and holy...but I am oh so thrilled that He does!

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