Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Is He REALLY the God of the Impossible?

It's funny how God uses the same verse multiple times to teach you. When I first began this journey I asked God for some promises to claim for my prayers. He led me to several, one being Isaiah 45:2-3. At first my prayers were focused on verse 2..."I will go before thee..." okay God, so move ahead of my letter and begin preparing hearts and minds. "I will make the crooked paths straight..." okay, so clear a path for my letter straight to Tebow. "I will tear down... I will break in pieces..." great, remove all the obstacles, God, that will prevent my prayers from being answered. I have prayed these phrases back to God since January 19.
Then tonight, as I begin to pray, God moved my attention past verse 2 and into verse 3, the last part specifically which says to some affect, "that ye may know that He which calleth you by name is the Lord God of Israel." I don't think I quoted that exactly but I got the meaning down. Now from here we go into a rather convoluted path to my point.
I have begun to pray that God would be known for real in the lives of my sophomores. That they would know that the God Who delivered Israel, the God Who closed the lions mouths, the God Who fed 5,000 and allowed Peter to walk on water is the same God they serve. Tonight, as I focused in on Who the God of Israel is, I realized I've never really asked God for something truly impossible in my life. I have been taught all my life God is a powerful God, capable and willing to move mountains if I just ask and believe, and all my life I have said I believed them. But when I began to look back over the things I have prayed for in my life, I realized my prayers have always been 'safe'. By that I mean, the things I've prayed for, even the 'big things' were really things that given time, I could have accomplished myself. That's not to say God didn't have something to do with the answer, He did. Eventually, I could have saved enough money to pay for a car, God chose to use my parents to provide one much faster. In time, I could have paid off college debts, but God provided. After a few months of searching, I could have found my job here in Hawaii, God used a friend who turned the job down to get me the job in a few weeks. These requests were safe, something I could have eventually accomplished, God just made it easier...and believe me He did and I am thankful for that.
My students are told all the time in devotions, in chapel, in Sunday School, in church, in our teen services that God is powerful, capable of doing amazing things, if we just ask. I believe the people teaching them this, myself included, really think we believe that. We encourage them to 'pray big', to 'test God', and well we should, but do we? I can speak only for myself, but I suspect I am not alone, when I say that never in my life have I prayed and asked God for the truly impossible...until now. We say our students learn more by example than by instruction (words). If that is the case, then my students will never truly test God, they will never take their prayers into that territory Jabez spoke of where only God can work. That is, until now. My request tonight became a thousand times more urgent for God to answer. My kids need to know that the God of Elijah is truly the same God that they strive to serve. They need to meet Tim Tebow so that they know, from at least 2 people's example, that God truly is the God of the impossible.

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