Several years ago a book was written on the prayer of a man named Jabez. The book really is eye-opening when it comes to prayer. In this prayer (I Chronicles 4:9), Jabez makes four requests that God honors. He asks God to bless him in every possible way; he asks God to enlarge the area of his lands, he asks God to keep sin and its temptations away from him and last asks God to work in ways that only God can. I have thought often of this book and its lessons on prayers as I have taken on this prayer challenge. The author of this book talks of taking prayer into an area where God is the only One Who can possibly answer the request, of moving into an area where I can no longer 'help' the request to be answered. I knew that was the direction this request was headed when I began, because let's face it, what really are the chances that Tim Tebow will ever see the letter I wrote? I was okay with God taking us into this territory, excited even. If I am honest, pride creeped into my prayers, here I was smack middle in this land of 'only God can work here' and I was sticking to my prayers and believing. There was a HIUGE part of me that was crediting myself. God HAD to be impressed that I could trust Him. Then God showed me that my prayer partner and I were not praying big enough. That got my attention! God humbled me considerably when He showed me that while I thought I had waded out into the deep of this territory, I had only left the shore...there was so much more that He could do. It did change my prayers and my thinking...some. It wasn't until weeks later as I was begging God to reveal what this 'bigger' request was that I realized we hadn't really even left the shore but had merely waded up to our ankles and that when God answered this prayer we will have only waded up to our knees...which means there is SO MUCH MORE that God is capable of doing. I think, but am not sure, that when God impressed upon me to pray bigger that He wasn't referring to this prayer, but the one to come after.
To be honest, that thought terrifies me! It has taken alot of prayer, alot of choosing to crucify my flesh and doubts and a massive amount of determination to just not quit on this request...and God wants me to pray BIGGER next time...what could possibly be bigger?!
All I can end with is, as big as meeting Tim Tebow seems to me, it's not to God...this is just a jumping off point, the point where the ocean floor drops off into deeper water and if that's where God is going then I am determined to follow Him... even further into this territory of 'only God can answer here'.
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