Today has been a hard day to keep believing there will be an answer to my prayer. It's been over a month since God impressed upon this challenge and about a month since the letter was sent to Tim Tebow. The particularly discouraging thing today comes from an article I read about Tebow and where he is...he's in California and my letter in somewhere in Denver in the abyss of the Broncos organization. Today, more than ever, I feel the impossibility of my prayer what do I do? I pray, obviously, and in my praying God brought three things to my mind.
First, God always keeps His end of His covenants. The verses I am claiming in my request say nothing is impossible with God. I don't see any asterisks denoting exceptions to the rule anywhere in Luke. Another verse in Matthew tells me anything I ask in prayer, believing, it will be done, again, no asterisk denoting an exception. James 1 tell me to aks in faith nothing wavering and it will be done. God's covenants in these verses are clear...I pray believing and He'll answer. I don't have to figure out how He's going to answer, the details are up to Him, I just have to keep up my end of the covenant to believe when I pray.
Second, God brought to mind the story of Peter walking on the water. As long as Peter focused on Christ he did the impossible. It was when he began to notice the storm raging around him that he began to sink. See, he took his eyes and focus of Christ. He became afraid when he saw the enormous waves. When I begin to focus on how impossible the circumstances of this request are, I'm not focusing on the One Who can make the impossible happen. Peter's request was granted as long as he looked to Jesus, the One Who could answer. His request stopped being answered when he looked at his circumstances. It's His job to straighten out the crooked paths and move the mountains, it's my job to stay focused on Him.
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