Thursday, April 19, 2012

One Day vs An Eternity

Last night started off as one of those nights I had no idea what to pray, it felt like there was no substance to my prayer. It felt like every thing I offered up was just an empty repetition of things I have prayed for a thousand times in this journey. That's probably because they were, at first. In frustration, I finally told God I didn't know what to pray anymore, it felt like He wasn't really listening anyway so why should I keep praying? I asked Him to give me reasons why I should keep praying. So He did.
     He reminded that while Jesus didn't give the Pharisees a sign because they wouldn't believe, He did give one to those who would. This led me into thinking how meeting Tebow would be a help to my kids spiritually. God showed me that He wants to accomplish so much more through this prayer than just a meeting with Tim Tebow. There are things God wants my kids to learn by Him fulfilling this request. When my kids meet Tebow, it will be for a few hours most likely, a day at most. While that will be an amazing thing for them, they won't spend every day of the rest of their lives with him. This particular blessing will be for a short time only. They will, hopefully, however, spend the rest of their lives with God and the things they've learned will prayerfully stay with them for a lifetime. The things He can accomplish in their lives by bringing Tebow to Hawaii are endless. I know that one of my students, in a letter, asked Tebow to pray about giving to our building fund. If a donation from Tebow or even just his visiting will help this teen learn the value of putting his money where God is at work, then I pray, if for no other reason, God brings Tebow to Hawaii. Another of my students asked him in a letter to consider visiting our teens going on a missions trip this summer. She thought it would be such an encouragement to hear Tebow challenge them in the area of missions. If his visit will help her to understand the value of world-wide missions, of supporting missionaries or maybe even surrender to the mission field herself, then I pray for her sake, God will bring Tebow to Hawaii. I know others have spiritual needs as well, that there are things that will help them make a fully committed decision for Christ when they actually see God pull this off, it is for their spiritual sakes, I pray God brings Tebow here.
      I think I finally really understood last night that this whole journey has not only been about proving me, it has been about producing fruit in the lives of my students that will remain with them long after they've met Tebow; that the things God shows them and teaches them through meeting Tebow will have the profound impact in their lives HE wants it to.

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