In my Bible study time I have been reading through the Gospels. The Pharisees are really a unique group. Do you ever suppose Jesus had to take a moment when He saw them coming? Or was He ever tempted to just turn and walk the other way to avoid them? I would have. I'm glad Jesus didn't though, that He met them head on, because much can be learned from them about having an outward show of faith, but no inner substance.
This group once asked Jesus for a sign that He really was God's the hundreds of miracles He'd already performed weren't proof enough. Jesus denied them this miracle as proof when He had granted one to so many others. Why? The Pharisees weren't really interested in a sign, they just wanted to see the miracle. Jesus told them He wouldn't give them a sign because it wouldn't make a difference, they weren't going to believe if He performed a million miracles on the spot. The miracles He did grant were to people who were going to believe as a result of what He did.
I've been thinking a lot lately about why it is so important to me that God answer this request. You may have noticed I recently added a new page link to this blog giving the plan of salvation. That was because as I was praying last night, God showed me all the unsaved people I am friends with on Face Book. These people are mostly former classmates of mine, but several of them are former students, both here and in Chicago. I don't know how many of them actually read these blogs, but God impressed upon me that He could use this blog as a means of getting the plan of salvation to them. Tonight as I was praying, God brought to mind the story I mentioned earlier of the Pharisees. God bringing Tebow here to Hawaii could be the sign some of those people need to see that God really does work. I know these people. Several sat with me in church as teen-agers; many others have sat through numerous Bible classes and chapels, they've all been taught God is all-powerful, but have they seen it, will it help even one of them to believe? Then that adds just one more VERY important reason for God to answer.
I then thought of some of the friends I have on Face Book who are saved, but far from God. If they too are reading any of these blogs, could a visit from Tebow help them to remember the God they once served? If my answer will restore even one of them, please, God, bring Tebow.
Last, I thought of friends who are saved and in a faithful relationship with God, who read these blogs and think to themselves it would be nice if God answered, but it's not very likely. There is so much power in prayer, more than I have ever realized in my life, and if God bringing Tebow to Hawaii would allow them to marvel at it; if it would challenge them to take on their own prayer journey, then God, please, use my answer to encourage them.
If even one person finds a Savior in Christ, if just one person is restored in their relationship with God, if even one person is shown just how powerful God is when we pray, it will have been worth all the tears, frustrations, lessons and joys that have gone into this amazing journey.
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