One of my greatest and closest friends is my older sister. When God asked me to move here to Hawaii, it was hard knowing we would be separated by five time zones and thousands of miles, but strangely, I think we've grown even closer in the years since my move.
The morning after I posted my list of blessings, she sent me a text letting me know she had been following the blog and had been praying for my kids to meet Tebow. I have been thankful for each person who has let me know they are praying, but there was just something so sweet and so unexpected in finding out my 'big sister' was praying with me. We've always been there for each other. We've told each things that we've never shared with anyone else, we've done dumb things together and survived them, we've laughed, cried, gotten angry with each other and sought out spiritual advice from each other. Why it never occurred to me to tell her about this journey, I don't know, except God planned it this way. She was just the encouragement I needed at that time and I thank God for her.
She also mentioned something in her text that really hadn't occurred to me either. If you follow sports at all, you've heard the stories of the strife within the Jets organization. Players at each other's throats, no support for Sanchez, everyone blaming someone else for their dismal year, a Godless coach; one player even described their locker room as 'toxic'. My sister pointed out that perhaps God sent to Tebow to the Jets to bring some peace and healing to that team. God is capable of such things when He has a willing vessel and Tebow seems willing to be used of God. Perhaps this team will witness firsthand, as did Denver, the power of God in one of His own who is sold-out to Him. I have to say, her pointing out God sending Tebow to New York for these reasons has helped me to fully get over my disappointment with him not being a Bronco when my kids meet him.
Sisters are truly a blessing, especially when they are committed to serving God and to a life of prayer. Hopefully, if you have one, you've thanked God for your sister and if not, perhaps you should do so now.
So thankful for my two sisters!