Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bringing Things Into Focus

I have struggled a lot with discouragement over the past few weeks. As each day passes, the fight to just keep believing becomes harder. Last night as I read and studied about Peter's walk on the water, God showed me just why I have struggled so much.
Peter had enough faith to get out of the boat and start walking toward Jesus. As long as his eyes were on Him, Peter didn't notice the storm raging around him and he was able to continue his walk. When Peter took his focus off Jesus, he noticed the waves crashing around him and he became frightened. When he focused on those waves instead of Jesus, he began to sink. His faith faltered when he focused on the wrong things and that is what God was trying to tell me.
I become discouraged and my faith falters when I begin to look at all the circumstances surrounding this request rather than focusing on the One Who can work in spite of them. God has told me repeatedly that although Tebow's circumstances have changed, none of the promises He made have. None of the promises He made were contingent on Tebow being a Bronco, so why am I focusing on his move to New York so much and being discouraged by it? Jesus knew the storm was raging around Peter when He bid him come to Him and yet He still bade him come. He also knew Tebow would be making this move, He knew what it would do to his schedule when He told me to ask Him for these kids to meet Tebow and yet still, He said, "ask."
Peter walked and I asked. Peter saw the waves and lost focus, I saw a move that crowded Tebow's schedule and lost focus. We both stumbled, fortunately for both of us that wasn't the end of the story. At the moment Peter began to sink, he refocused and cried out to Jesus to save him. When I stumbled, I too cried out for help and God immediately came to my rescue showing me all the ways He has worked for this request.
Why was Peter saved? Why can I now see how God is working? Because we both realized to focus on the One Who is very aware of the storms raging around us and still bids us, "come."

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