Thursday, March 29, 2012

When Two Are Agreed

Job ordered his arguments before the Lord, he laid out all his arguments for his cause before God. I often find myself doing that in my prayers...pointing out all the reasons why God should answer this request. I often find myself going again and again to Matthew 18: 19 as one of those arguments. The verse says where two are agreed on earth; where two are praying in the Spirit with the same goal in mind, that God will answer whatever request they bring. This is the verse God took me to almost a month and a half ago to promise me if Stephanie and I did this, He would answer my request. This is also the verse Satan uses the most to cause me to doubt. He often gets in my head and questions whether we both are praying in the Spirit and maybe that is why God hasn't answered this request yet. God, however, is gracious and continues to show me I am on the right path despite what Satan tries to tell me. How do I know?
Yesterday, Stephanie sent me a note in which she mentioned how God has impressed upon her the need to be in fervent prayer for Tebow as he moves to New York. He is human and he will fall at some time and New York provides ample opportunity for that. She said she felt God was telling her we need to pray for even more protection on his life and then she listed several things she had specifically begun to pray for. The ironic thing is, the week Tebow was signed on by the Jets, I had told my sophomores we needed to really pray for him now as he moved to New York as there were already people telling the press how they intended to corrupt him. I had even mentioned to them that the world would mock and scorn the name of God should Tebow fall in a public way.
Now, you may already see this, but it wasn't until last night as I was praying, once again reminding God of Matthew 18:19, telling Him that I thought we both were praying according to the Spirit's direction that He very plainly pointed out that there was no way Stephanie and I would be praying along such similar lines unless the Holy Spirit was directing our prayers. I can not tell you the relief that came, the assurance that we were praying in the Spirit and that we were indeed agreeing in our prayers.
God has been so gracious in this prayer, giving encouragement and pointing out when we are doing right. This has made me so excited and eager to keep praying, because as we know, when two are agreed on earth, our Father in heaven will hear and do it for them...bring on Tebow!!!!!!

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