Wednesday, March 21, 2012

That Which Doesn't Kill You

"How do you feel about the Broncos signing Manning?", "Are you sad that Tebow is going to the Jets?", "Are you still a Denver Broncos fan?"...all questions asked of me today by friends, co-workers and students. I struggled with how to answer these questions. I've made my peace...mostly...with Tebow not being a Bronco when my kids meet him, what I am having a hard time with is just how in the world they're going to meet him now. I have definitely reached a frustration point in this prayer, I do not understand why God still hasn't answered my prayers and for days I have struggled with just not giving up. Then the news breaks of his trade and I am convinced that God has definitely given me more than I can bear. At least that's what my flesh says, quite loudly, I might add. However, if I am still long enough, I can hear the Spirit softly saying, "I knew all about this. Everything is under control and I haven't given  you more than you can bear. Hang on, the answer is coming" I find myself praying more and more with that man in the Bible who said, "Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief." And I can attest first hand that He does help my unbelief. As I was talking to God on the way home from school, or should I say whining at Him, He did point out that the reason He said no to my kids going to Denver  was because He knew Tebow wasn't going to be in Denver...pretty sure I heard Him chuckling as He said that.
It's a good thing God gave me an obsessive, stubborn streak because there is a part of me that just can't stand the thought of Satan getting this victory. It, in part, spurs my determination to see God move. He will, His promises didn't change just because Tebow's team did. God sees what I can't and I have to trust that and I do, it's just some days...

p.s yes, I am still a Broncos fan. I was a fan long before Tebow and old habits are hard to break.

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