Thursday, March 8, 2012

My How Things Change

On January 17 Stephanie and I began this prayer journey together and oh how the shape of my prayers has changed since then. I can only attribute this to the work of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my prayers. When this proving began, it was to try God and prove Him faithful, but it was also to afford my sophomores the opportunity to meet Tim Tebow. There is SO much I have learned along the way. When God finally grants this request it will be the sweetest thing because I KNOW that every detail of the answer will be exactly as He wants it.
When this all began, I thought the sweetest thing would be the honor of telling my kids they were going to meet Tebow, as of Monday, I find that I am more thrilled with the steps of faith my students are making and the commitment they've made to pray for Tebow. It thrills my heart every time I see them going to our classroom at lunch to pray as a group. This was NOT something I was asking God for back in January. When God impressed upon me how important it was for these kids to see faith and impossible prayer modeled for them, it became important that God do something amazing for these kids spiritually. With the help of the Holy Spirit and the advice of a good friend, I think that is happening.
When I began this prayer, it was my very real desire that somehow God would allow the meeting to take place in Denver. I prayed for it very diligently, but I always threw in that if God would rather the meeting take place here, so be it. Over the past few days, God has given me very little peace about the trip to Denver, but whenever I pray for the meeting to take place here, great peace. And what is amazing is is that I am perfectly okay with that. That is definitely the Holy Spirit at work in me.
I had this scenario all worked out in my head how I would tell my students they were meeting Tebow. In my selfish desire, that was the time I was going to share this blog with them and tell them all the amazing things God did on their behalf. God, however, had different plans...obviously. God knew Steph and I needed help, that with Satan ramping up his attacks, we needed more prayer warriors and posting to Facebook was the best way to enlist that help. Obviously my kids either know or will soon and I can see God's hand in that as well because I suspect they will add their prayers to ours.
I still greatly desire, and still faithfully pray for my kids to meet Tim Tebow. The difference now is that those are not the only things I desire. As this prayer continues, I find more and more the value in the spiritual journey, not just the granting of the request and hope that my sophomores will follow in those steps.

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