Thursday, May 17, 2012

...There's A Reason

If you haven't read the post, "When God Asks..." you may want to go read that first to fully understand this one. After posting that one last night, God and I spent some time trying to surrender what will happen today to His will. As I feel asleep, I managed, on very shaky ground, to surrender to Him.
     I woke up this morning heavy-hearted and feeling defeated. It felt like Satan had won a victory here. I decided to spend some time in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit for His strength to keep this surrendered. God impressed upon me through the initial part of our time together that He wasn't saying no, He was asking me to allow Him to say no. I thought again of Abraham. Several weeks ago, our youth director preached a sermon in our teen services about Abraham's surrender over Isaac. He referenced the verse in Matthew that says, "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you." He told the kids if they surrender what they most want to God, He won't necessarily take it away but add it to you because you've sought Him out first.
     As I continued in prayer, asking for guidance, I felt led to lift up my request once again. I wasn't sure how to pray, wasn't God asking me to let Him say no? I then lifted  that up to God, told Him I didn't know how to pray for the request and still allow for the possibility of a no. The Holy Spirit took over the prayer at that point. All week I have struggled with being able to take God at His word. There has been panic and desperation in my efforts to pray back my promise verses to Him, to stand on those promises. This morning, for the first time in a long time, I was able to pray Matthew 18:19 back to Him in confidence, knowing we have fulfilled the conditions of the verse. Satan didn't even bother to bring doubts.
     There is the definite peace and confidence I have been begging God for all week in my heart. Why, because I have made the choice to surrender to what He asked. This peace, this assurance is the reason He asked me last night to give the answer over to Him.
     I still don't know what will happen today. I still don't know if we'll face disappointment or excitement. What I am sure about in this moment is that whichever we face, God has won a victory. Whatever may come today, His purpose in asking me to take this challenge on has been fulfilled.

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