The anticipation is intense around here. Seven and a half school days remain. As excited as I am about seeing God fulfill this request, I think, perhaps, my kids are more so. They have been such a blessing the past two days during homeroom. There faith is REAL, they fully expect to meet Tim Tebow in the next week or so...and why shouldn't they? Their God is more than capable of answering their request. I thought I'd share with you some of our conversations over the past few days and then you too can anticipate with us.
One of my girls told a story of how convinced she was that she saw Tebow walking down our school's street, she made her mother circle the block and go back, just to make sure who it was she saw. Yesterday, one of my boys told us of a dream he had about us meeting Tebow. Ever been so excited about an upcoming event that you dreamed about it? We talked about what they wanted to do when Tebow got here and the pictures we'd wants a pic of their entire class and Tebow Tebowing. We spent some time speculating just how God was going to work this out and in so doing I asked them, "guys, what if God answers this by Tebow inviting us to New York?! Wouldn't it be great to spend time in NYC this summer?!" Of course this got them all excited and we talked about all the things we'd do in NY if God chooses to answer this way. Today, I mentioned it was now 7 and half days and that we were one day closer, which got us once again talking about NYC and going to the Statue of Liberty. It was at this point one of my girls said she didn't know what to do about next Wednesday. We are in finals next week. If our kids do not have to take a final, they are not required to come to school. This particular girl has no finals next Wednesday. She said she wasn't sure what she should do since it looks like that will be one of the two days God will fulfill this request. She didn't know if she should come to school in case that was the day or chance it not being. It was fun to see her and her classmates try to come up with a solution. I then told she could just pray and ask God to reveal to us this week what day he was coming so she could make plans, pretty sure that's what she'll be doing the rest of the week. (On a more serious note, please do be in prayer about working out the kids' finals schedule with this visit)
I realize these kids are not exactly children, but they have definitely displayed a child-like faith in their God and this is the type of faith we all need to see God do the impossible. I am so excited for God to do this for them I can hardly stand it, one week is most definitely going to feel like an eternity 'round these parts.
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