Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why Do You Bother Asking?

I have this friend at work who will ask me a question and when I give her an answer say, 'not' and go ask someone else. She does this so often, it has become a running joke between us. A lot of times she'll ask and I tell her, 'why bother, you won't believe me any way, even if I'm right.'
     Yesterday, Satan was reeking havoc on all the promises God has made to me over the past several months. Every time a verse came to mind, immediately I began to think, 'does God really mean that?' I laughed when I realized I was doing to God what my friend was doing to me. If I'm not going to take God at His word, then why bother asking Him anything in the first place. This idea of actually taking God at His word has been a bigger revelation to me than it should have been. I have come to realize just how much in theory I believed God's Word, but when it came to reality, to living and accepting it, that was a different story. Why? Glad you asked.
     One reason I've come to realize this is because I don't expect my desires to be God's will. I have been taught so often that we are not to pray selfishly, while that is true, somehow I got the idea that anything I wanted was selfish and therefore couldn't be God's will. That's not always true. The Bible says God will give us the desires of our heart. I've been taught, and believe, that has a double meaning. Not only will God give us the things we want, He'll create in us the desire for things He wants. If my prayers are truly Spirit-led, then I should have no problem asking God for things and believing He'll give them.
     Second, I think I have trouble taking Him at His Word because I've never really tried God before. The Bible says to taste of Him and see His goodness. That is what this whole journey has been about, but I've never done this before. I've not ever known God on this level before. I've not had to trust Him down to the wire like this before. I know God. I know He answers prayers, I even know He answers big prayers, but that's always been for someone else, not for me. It's hard to take Him at His Word if I don't really believe those words are for me.
     Last, I think I struggle because until now, I've not ever really expected God to do anything big through me. I've always expected Him to do 'safe', 'doable' things. I recently heard on the radio someone say that our God is not safe; that He has a wild imagination. God is a terrible God, capable of terrifying things, we forget that side of God. But oh, does He have a wild imagination...why else would I be expecting to meet Tim Tebow in the next 48 hours. That is most definitely God's doing, I could not have dreamed this up and sustained it on my own. God WILL do big things, if I let Him work through me. 
     Tonight, I am making the choice to listen to and accept what God is saying in His Word. His promises are true, He will do what He promises and I can bank on that.
 Anyone else feel like singing, "Standing on the Promises?" 

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