Friday, May 11, 2012

We Still Believe

It's Friday morning. We have four and a half more days of school and today I believe that my God will come through, that what He's said, He'll do. Why? Because I choose to believe. It's not an easy choice, Satan makes sure of that, but through the ever present power of the Holy Spirit, I am able to make the choice to still believe. I am not, however, the only one making this choice. There are seven sophomores who expect every day to receive news of the day they'll meet Tim Tebow. I have often wished that those of you who do not know these kids could hear their prayers and witness their faith first hand. While I know it's not possible to actually hear them, or see their faces when we talk about this journey, you can read why it is they choose to still believe. Read on and for those of you who pray for these kids, rejoice in what God has accomplished in their lives because you too made a choice to invest your prayers in them.

    Hi, it's Isabel again! I choose to believe that I will meet Tim Tebow next week because it is a choice that I make. This year our theme in devotions was about making choices. In our devotions, Miss McGuire talked about how we make decisions everyday. It is our decision to come to school (well, our parents help us make that decision). It is our decision to choose who hangs around us. It is my decision to believe that my class will meet Tim Tebow. When Miss McGuire told us about Unintimidated, I was excited because this gave me a chance to work on being a prayer warrior! I have made decisions in the past to become a prayer warrior, but I did not follow through. When I heard about Unintimidated, I decided to take this vow and become a real prayer warrior. I have seen God work in so many ways over this last semester! In the beginning of the year, I prayed that my class would grow spiritually, and we did! Nothing is impossible with God and I believe that fully! I will meet Tim Tebow because nothing is impossible with God!

   Hi, my name is Lindsey! I'm a sophomore at Friendship Christian Schools and I firmly believe God will bring Tim Tebow here next week. Why? because God can do anything! God did so many miracles in the Bible and He still does them today. I know that God will bring Tim Tebow here because I have faith in Him. When God does bring him here it will be another proof that God is real and He does miracles. I am excited to meet Tebow! Even if he doesn't come next week I know God has a bigger plan for Unintimidated, and we will meet Tim Tebow somehow! God has a plan for our request to meet Tebow and I have faith he will bring it to pass. All things are possible with God!

    Hello, my name is Nikita. I am a sophmore at Friendship Christian Schools. I truly still believe that the sophomore class will meet Tim Tebow sometime next week. the reason why I still believe in this prayer being answered because God can do impossible things in such a short amount of time. Miss McGuire's faith in believing that we will still meet Tim Tebow has helped me to keep believing in the fulfillment in this prayer. God works in very weird way, God is always in control of everything, so I still believe that we will meet Tim Tebow. Cause God can accomplish the impossible.

     Hi, my name is Drew. I am one of the students who has pledged to be a prayer warrior. There are many reasons why I believe we will meet Tim Tebow next week, but I will just give you two. First I believe in our Great God! The Bible says that Joshua prayed that the sun would stand still, and God answered that prayer. If He can stop a giant mass of gasses thousands of times bigger than the earth I believe He can let one small class meet one modern spiritual hero. Second I have seen Him work already. I know we are in His will because at least three times when Miss. McGuire told others about a burden she had the others had the same burden. that is the Holy Spirit at work! Also when we prayed for a sign, immediately after we learned that Tebow had been traded to the Jets. Because of these things and others I know we will meet Tim Tebow next week.

Hey! My name is Jefferson. I am also a sophomore who has committed to the "Unintimidated" prayer group. We are coming down to the last week of school here at Friendship Christian Schools, however we as a class have continued to pray to meet Tim Tebow. We all still believe that it IS going to happen. Yes it gets hard at times but we know that our God is an awesome God and He can do anything.  Myself...I believe that we are going to meet Tim Tebow because God has already answered our request. He has already promised us that we are going to meet him somehow or someway. When God makes a promise, I believe Him. It might not always be the easiest thing to do but the Bible says it is impossible for him to lie. So whether he comes to us, or we go to him, this promise WILL be fulfilled, because our God can do anything. "With God, all things are possible."

     Hello my name is Jamie and I'm back to right on the blog about why I think God will allow us to see Tim Tebow. I believe God will allow us to see Tim because I trust that God will stay true to His word and answer our prayers. God says that He will answer all our prayers. I believe that the answer is to wait and trust that God will do everything in his good timing. Romans 8:28 says that God will let all this waiting work together for good. In the mean time I ask that anyone that reads this will pray for us that we will keep our faith and trust that God will this prayer. Thank you and God bless.

     As you can see, they too have reasoned out their faith. They have chosen to trust in the name of the Lord their God. Your prayers for them have definitely been answered. God has definitely wrought a wonderful thing here and meeting Tebow will simply be a confirmation of all that God has said He would be.

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