"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord..." Isaiah 1:18
I guess the saying that a watched pot never boils could be applied to cell phones too...a watched cell phone doesn't ring, no matter how badly you may want it to.
Today was an agonizing day. This morning I felt heavily burdened to get a hold of God and plead for an answer, today. So I spent my prayer time begging God for news of Tebow's coming. I then texted a few friends to ask them to be in constant prayer today in case this was the day God chose to fulfill His promise. Almost immediately, I got a text back from one of those friends saying she had been praying the exact same thing just that morning. Let me say, I got chills. That was absolutely the work of the Holy Spirit. During our devotions, I challenged the kids to not let this be a spiritual plateau in their lives, but to use this to reach ever higher in their walk. I then shared with them the story of my morning prayer. Those kids sat there stunned and one finally said, that was God. We forewent our normal prayer time and just lifted up this request before God. Again, I wish all of you who do not know these kids had the same privilege I have in hearing them pour out their hearts to God. Their simple faith and confident expectation of an answer challenge my own faith. I then told them they too, needed to be in constant prayer for an answer today. I have NEVER wanted a cell phone to ring so badly in my life. It went with me everywhere, one of my girls thought this was funny.
As the school day drew to a close and there was no answer, Satan, right on cue, began once again to throw doubts my way. Maybe I was wrong this morning. Maybe I have been wrong all along. Perhaps I have misinterpreted all the verses I claim as His promise to me. Maybe God never intended to let the kids meet Tebow and I have lead them down a very wrong path. My mind, or perhaps it was the Holy Spirit, argued against all of this. Why would God be so mean? He wouldn't dangle this opportunity in front of us only to draw it back and say 'ha, ha...got ya.' I'm not the only one who God has impressed action upon, it was upon Stephanie He placed the burden to begin UNINTIMIDATED. These kids have made tremendous spiritual strides. How could any path that builds their relationship with God be a wrong one? I go over and over again the morning God challenged me to take this on. The sermon had nothing to do with faith or proving God, it was a sermon on hope. The Broncos weren't even on my mind, when out of the blue, God said ask Him for this. The fact that God has led so many others to join proves His hand is on this, especially since very few of us praying actually know these kids.
Satan wanted to discourage me, to cause me to become frustrated and uncertain. Unfortunately for him, it worked the opposite. I was able to reason out with the guidance of the Holy Spirit why all of this had to be at His hand.
And for those of you wondering did we hear anything? It is 8:45 as I write this and nothing...that we know of. But as one of my girls said as she left school at 3:00, 'there's still 9 more hours, God could still answer.' or as another mentioned, 'perhaps God meant He was going to reveal this to Tebow today.' I don't know what happened today. I don't know what God did today, all I know is He led two of us to pray for the exact same thing today, so God did do something, perhaps something big, today.
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